Chapter 33

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Faith walked out of cupcake paradise, a sweet tooth's heaven

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Faith walked out of cupcake paradise, a sweet tooth's heaven. She stood on the sidewalk savoring the last swallow of silky robust nutty chocolate. "Shit!" Faith punched her fist in her hand. She turned around and reached for the door but it was already too late. Poppy was sobbing on the phone and she didn't need to guess whom she was talking too. Giselle. Faith could fell her weekly rituals being scratched off the calendar.

"Why the long face, beautiful?" Egan stepped on the curb gripping a book.

"Long time, no see." A grin emerged on Faith's face. She leaned into him for a hug then quickly decided against it sticking out her hand instead. Nosy Mrs. Gagnon was standing in front of her store across the street chattering in the phone.

Egan reluctantly shook her hand. "I didn't think you wanted to see me again." He let her hand go.

"I had a lot going on that day." Faith moved to her car paralleled parked in front of Tuesday's Treats. "It wasn't you, it was me."

"I could've gone with you."

"To a funeral." Faith's nose crinkled. "No."

"Then what about lunch." The corners of Egan's mouth slightly turned up. "Can I take you to lunch."


"Right now."

Faith read the gold Cartier watch on her wrist, "It's 7:45"

"Then can I take you to breakfast and maybe it'll lead to lunch." He glanced at the way the yellow pencil shirt hugged her shapely hips yearning to place his hand there.

"I guess." Faith looked at the book he was holding. She read the gold letters running across the book's olive green spine. "Norwegian Folktales." Faith dug in her red Louis Vuitton shoulder bag as Mr. Xiong jogged passed getting in his morning workout.

"You know Norwegian." Egan looked at the Norwegian words printing across the book.

"No, but you must know Harper." Faith held the passenger door handle. "She's going to be pissed you bought that book. She had it on reserve."

"No." He hid the book behind his back. "Whose Harper."

"You don't know Harper Chambers of the Andreassen-Chambers." She tried to jog his memory as she caught Poppy going into the back of the store in her peripheral.

Egan looked at the light turning red and the cars routinely stopping. "I don't know her."

"Everyone knows them."

"I don't know her." Egan shrugged his shoulder. "Are we going to get breakfast before I get hungry for something else?" The corner of his mouth ticked up.

"Then Syrup & Jam here we come." Faith flung her bag in the passenger seat. "Do you know where that is?"

"No." Egan followed her off the curb.

"Then follow me." Faith waited for the white convertible to pass before opening the car door. She jumped into the SUV watching Egan run across the street before the Escalade zoomed pass. He even ran sexy, Faith moaned to herself turning the key in the ignition. She hoped Isabeth wasn't right. She wanted to have fun with someone without having to kill them afterward.

As she veered into track her phone sang Keri Hilson's Pretty Girl Rock. She rifled in her purse as she came to s stop at the red light. She glanced at the screen as a garbage truck teetered by. "Giselle. I said what I said; I'm not taking it back."

"I asked you to do one thing!" Giselle's voice roared through the speaker.

"One thing?" The light turned green. Faith lifted her foot off the brake and pressed down on the gas. "When was this because as I recall you gave me a laundry list of edicts to perform?" She zipped past soccer mom driven SUVs and delivery trucks.

"Those aren't edicts those are punishments because you're an insolent girl."

"Punishments for what?" Faith slammed on the brake, the car skidded to a halt inches past the thickly painted white line five feet away from the streetlight. "I did nothing wrong."

"A day after I warned you about your reckless behavior you get yourself wrapped up in a homicide investigation." Giselle rumbled in her ear as Egan watched the wild movements of Faith's arm. "I've had it with you! People are talking! I'm done taking care of you!"

"YOU'RE DONE! I'M DONE! YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL!" The light turned green. Faith plowed her foot on the brake. "I'll send you the keys to the house by Andreassen Express, today."

The car skidded ahead then fell dead. Faith chuckled the phone in the seat slamming on the gas pedal. Her face twisted in an annoyed disposition. She shifted the gear to park then back to drive slamming onto the gas once more, but nothing. Cars piled up behind her singing a symphony of honked horns.

Egan leaped from his car. Time slowed as Faith heard the light click to red. Her pupil's rival the night owl's as the truck down the street plundered towards her. She grabbed at the handle as diesel rushed up her flared nostrils. The car shook like a tree during a hurricane but she couldn't open the door, the locks wouldn't budge. Faith looked out the window once more as Egan reached the SUV's bumper. His breath was taken as the truck push Faith's SUV ahead like a shopping cart at Targets.

Glass shattered. Metal bent and the horns went mute as oil slathered the asphalt. 

Does Egan really not know Harper and her family? I hope Faith is okay. 

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