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Aphmau's POV~
It was the next day and I could only think of Gene. He ran off before I could say anything and haven't seen him. I've been worried bout him and I feel like it's all my fault. I'm going to go look for him...I know I will.

Gene's POV~
I woke up and looked in the mirror. My face was red and my eyes were red too. I wiped off the tear marks on my cheeks and sniffled a little. I'm still mad about yesterday. I'm going to go tonight. I picked up my phone and saw texts from Zenix.
(Zenix) Hey Gene, See you tonight?

(Gene) Yeah...Count me in

(Zenix) I knew you would come with!

(Zenix) Sasha's going to be there too

(Zenix) See you tonight

(Gene) Wow Idiot you finally stopped using caps lock

(Zenix) Shut up

(Gene) Fine bye

I threw my phone on my bed and shoved my pillow in my face. I kept Aphmau on my mind. Do I regret falling in love with her? Why did I even fall in love with her...She's getting married now...I don't have a chance. I might as well give up on her...

Hours later At Night~

Gene's POV~
I got out of bed and went to the door. I really was going to go...Once I go in I can't come back. I opened the door and walked to the forest. I saw the nether portal come into view and I froze just looking at it. I stood there and slowly started walking towards it. Someone grabbed my hand.

Aphmau: "G-Gene..."

"A-Aphmau? What are you doing here?"

Aphmau: "A-are you going in? Gene you don't have to-"

I pulled my hand away from Aphmau and stared at her. "Look Aphmau...I chose to do this...Besides, there's no reason to be here...No one cares anyways" Aphmau looked hurt and stepped back a little. I was hurt too.

Aphmau: "Gene...I care about you! I-I always did..."

"You should be caring about Aaron not me, Just leave me alone Aphmau..." Now I really hurt her.

Aphmau: "Gene please don't go..."

I looked back at the nether portal and looked down. "I don't care what you say Aphmau...I'm going in..." I pushed Aphmau back and jumped into the portal. I couldn't go back now. The last thing I saw was her beautiful face shimmering in the moonlight. I'm sorry I had to leave this way.

Aphmau's POV~
Gene pushed me back and jumped in the nether portal. I tried grabbing him but then he disappeared. The nether portal broke and the purple in the portal was no longer there. I fell on my knees and started crying. I don't know why...Was it because of Gene? I got up and started running back to my house. It failed and I fell on the ground. I saw two things on the grassy floor a good distance away from each other. It was a note and a bracelet. The bracelet was beautiful and had purple and silver diamonds on it. I read the note sitting on the floor.

Hey I don't know how
To say this any other way
But Aphmau...I love you.
I liked you ever since
Highschool. I kept my feelings
In for a long time now. I just
wanted you to know for a
long time now...I bought
this for you...I love you okay?

Tears went down my face but I wiped them away. Who wrote this? The name was scratched out. W-Was it Gene? I put on the bracelet and some more tears went down my face. If It was Gene...I....I love him too...But I also love Aaron! I do love Aaron...Don't I? I stood up and went back home looking at the bracelet the whole time. I put the note in my pocket and looked back at my arm. I got to my house and stopped. I wiped away any tears I had on my face so it wouldn't be noticeable that I was crying. I opened the door and Aaron came over to hug me.

Aaron: "Hey babe- You okay? Your eyes are kind of red?"

"Uh y-yeah...I don't really feel good but thanks Aaron. I'm going upstairs to my room and rest...Night..." Btw Aaron and Aphmau have separate rooms lol I kissed Aaron on the cheek and he kissed me back. I went upstairs and locked my door. I went in the covers and started crying into my pillow quietly. I missed Gene...I miss everything about him. Who knows how long he'll be in the nether, He is a shadow knight after all...He never told me but Vylad and Laurance told me...What if he never comes back? I looked up at the ceiling and calmed down. Maybe he'll come back...
Hopefully...I never even said goodbye...

Wow that escalated and got sad...I hope you guys enjoyed tho lol! I'm updating this pretty early lol, well in my time zone at least. I'm currently in my car going on vacation to Minnesota lol so I'm just passing time until we get there. Anyways BYE! <3 (Sorry I Haven't Updated Lately)

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