~I'll Save You~

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So...I Was Gonna Post This Yesturday But...I Uh Got Distracted Watching Anime xP So Here It Is! Really Sorry! :P

I opened the door and Garroth came in. I fixed my dress and looked down. Garroth put an arm on my shoulder and looked at me.

Garroth: "Aphmau? Are you okay? You seem...Nervous and your shaking..."

"Uh y-yeah...I'm f-fine Garroth! I'm just...I don't think I'm...No...Uh anyways l-lets go...Heh" I got into the car which was decorated, and Garroth started driving. I was nervous...Do I really want to get married to Aaron? I gulped as I saw the church get into view. Garroth got out and opened the door for me. I took his hand and he helped me out of the car.

Garroth: "You look amazing Aphmau...I can't believe your getting married!"

I saw Garroth was happy and I gave him a slight smile "Thank you Garroth...Well heh it's time.." I intertwined my arm with his and the church doors opened. I heard music playing and I closed my eyes. The final doors opened and I opened my doors. All my friends were there...They were all staring at me smiling. My eyes caught Cadenza who was staring at me and smiling slightly. My eyes went to Kawaii~Chan who was crying her eyes out and Lucinda who was constantly passing her tissues. I smiled and looked in front of me. I saw Aaron standing there next to the priest. I instantly got nervous again. We slowly walked to the front. I looked down and before I knew it I was standing next to Aaron. He smiled at me and I smiled back. We held hands and the priest started talking. I couldn't hear him, I was too busy thinking...I'm really doing this! I started thinking about Gene again...I snapped back to reality when the priest finally turned to Aaron.

Priest: "Do you, Aaron, Take Aphmau to be your wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death takes you apart?"

Aaron: "I do"

Priest: "And do you, Aphmau, take Aaron, To be your husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death takes you apart?"

I paused for a while. I knew everybody was feeling the tension and so was I. I took a deep breath in. "I....I..." Aaron looked at me and smiled. I felt like crying. I looked down and took another deep breath in. "I-" Before I could finish I fell on the ground and felt everything get blurry. I blinked my eyes a little but then everything went black. I got knocked out. But how...

No One's POV~

Everybody gasped and Kawaii~Chan started screaming. There standing was...A Shadow Knight? The Shadow Knight disappeared before anyone could see his face. Aaron picked up Aphmau and looked at her. "Aphmau don't worry..Your safe...For now.." He ran out the church carrying Aphmau in his arms. He stopped and had an evil smile on his face. "Heh everybody is so stupid...I'm surprised no one knew I was Shad..." He started running towards the forest. He was going to the portal. Behind a wall, was Vylad. He heard everything. Gene He thought...Vylad knew where he was. He then too, started running towards the forest. Aaron or "Shad" was most likely already in the nether. Vylad saw Gene and he looked worried. "Vylad what's going on?" "Shad...He took over Aaron's body and he took Aphmau...You need to hurry...I need to go tell Laurance" With that Gene ran to the nether portal, mad but worried. All he thought about was Aphmau and how he needed to hurry fast...He rushed in and now he was in the nether. He knew where to go..."Don't worry Aph...I'll save you"

:3 Sorry It's Short! I Realized I Haven't Posted In A While And I Have A Reason...*Cough, Cough* I Was Watching Attack On TItan And Finished All The Episodes*Cough, Cough* Lol But Anyways Hope You Enjoyed Ayways! Also...HAPPY BIRTHDAY HORSEFA- I MEAN JEAN! c; Lol But Yes Happy Birthday Jean!(Btw, He's From Attack On Titan c;) BYE! <3

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