~Who I Really Love~

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Lol before this starts, Check out xXKawaiiXx~Sama 😂 @xXKawaiiXx4489

1 Year Later~ (Lol huge time skip am I right)
Aphmau's POV~
In three days it's going to be me and Aaron's wedding. We waited a year and we've gotten into fights about it. Aaron agreed but we've been kind of distant. Heh don't think thats good if I'm going to get married to him. I still think about Gene sometimes...I wonder where he's been...He's been gone for a long time now...I really miss him.

Gene's POV~
I was hiding in the forest, in the shadows as usual and I saw someone walk in towards the middle where the light shined. It was Vylad. What was he doing here... He suddenly started calling out my name.

Vylad: "Gene! I know your there! I can sense you...Gene just come out already!"

Since Vylad was a Shadow knight, he could also sense other Shadow knights. I laughed a little and came out. Vylad smiled and came closer to me. "What do you want Vylad..."

Vylad: "Look...Aphmau's getting married in 3 days...You need to see her. I know you care about her Gene"

"...Did you just come to rub that in my face Vylad? Because if you are-"

Vylad: "She misses you Gene...You really need to see her...Fine if you don't listen to me then have fun knowing Aphmau is married to Aaron forever..."

He turned around and walked out the forest. I miss Aph...I miss everything about her...Does she really miss me that much? What am I thinking...She doesn't think of me anything else than a friend...Or does she...Ugh...Why is this so complicated! I guess I'll see her...Wonder how she's been

Later That Night~
I finally went out of the forest and walked to Aphmau's house. I was wearing a black hoodie that covered most of my face. I was just outside her house when I saw Aphmau and Aaron kissing outside in their backyard. I could clearly see Aphmau but Aaron was being blocked by the tree. Aphmau stopped kissing him and stared at me. She winced her eyes and then stepped back a little. She knows it's me. Our eyes met and I quickly turned around and ran away. I know she's following me...I went back into the forest and hid. I knew she wouldn't find me here...

The Next Day~
Aphmau's POV~
Yesterday I know I saw Gene...Aaron said I was kist seeing things and it wasn't him. We got into another fight and I thought about Gene the whole time. I woke up and started making waffles. Aaron came downstairs and saw me. He put his arms around me which scared me a little. I turned around and gave a fake smile.

Aaron: "Hey babe, look i'm sorry about yesterday...But I still think-"

I groaned and went back to making waffles. "Aaron! Look I know you don't believe me but I know it was Gene! Can't you just believe me?" Aaron frowned and let go of me.

Aaron: "I will! It's just hard since we haven't seen him in a year Aph"

I ignored him and gave him some waffles. He sat down and I gave him a kiss on the cheek before sitting down on the couch to watch Gravity Falls. After I finished I washed my plate and started going upstairs. "I forgive you Aaron..."

Aaron: "Thanks..."

I went upstairs and thought. I know it's Gene...I know Aaron doesn't believe me...I know he's lying...I felt a tear go down my face. Me and Aaron have gotten into so many fights I can't even count them...Even when we were just dating, it wasn't great...I looked at the bracelet on my arm. I kept it on ever since I found it. I have a feeling it was from Gene but Garroth and Laurance always joke around that they wanted to give it to me. I don't believe them and sometimes Aaron said he wanted to give it to me. I don't believe any of them. I also kept the note...I always kept it in my pocket and I never left without it. I was getting married in 2 days (If you include today). Today I have to go to Cadenza's and get my dress...I don't know if I'm ready...
2 Hours Later~
I went to Cadenza's house and she got me to try on the dress. It was pretty but something was wrong, Cadenza felt less excited making the dress and even showing me it. I know Lucinda very well and she was always enthusiastic about designing! "Cadenza? Are you okay?"

Cadenza: "Huh?- Oh uh yeah! You look um amazing Aphmau!"

"Cadenza...Your not feeling excited about this...Tell me"

Cadenza: "Well...I just don't know about this...Aphmau...I've never been to fond about Aaron and...You guys have been fighting a lot....Do you really love him Aph?"

I thought....Do I really, REALLY love Aaron? "I...I do love him...I...I think..." I turned around..."Do I love him?" Cadenza pulled me into a hug and tears went down my face.

Cadenza: "Who do you love then Aph? Do you love someone else?"

...I do love someone else...But I love Aaron! Or at least I think I do...Why is this so hard! I started crying and Cadenza patted my head. "Cadenza..."

Cadenza: "Yes Aphmau? You don't have to-"

"I do love someone else...."

Cadenza: "Really? Who is it? Take your time Aphmau...I won't force you ya know..." (You know, I know, But I don't think you know, You know? Anyone know dat reference lol)

"It's...." I took a deep breath...I know who I really love...I smiled and my tears went away


Lol xD A Cliff Hanger! Also some of you may be like WAT LAURANCE? Well don't worry! She doesn't end up with Laurance xD How funny would that be tho lol. Anyways thought it would be a great place to leave off on! BYE! <3

P.S: I do ship Laurmau c;
I shipped it since the start and I still have not given up!

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