Chapter 1

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Swords of Wisdom


Chosen one


 Jane's POV

I watched my son as he played with Kristoff. He may seem happy, but his eyes is filled with sadness. Whenever he's happy, his brown has eyes always been filled with sparks of happiness. But now it's gone.

Kristoff threw the ball at Jack really strong. He is just like his father, I don't know how it all started but I knew that he and Jack would be great friends when they've met, and I was right.

I watched as Jack jumped up, catching the ball. His brown hair flipped has he landed on the ground. He got his brown hair and eyes from me. Unlike his father, he has red shiny hair and green eyes which I'd fell in love with. Some people asked him, where he'd got that hair from? Well, he didn't answer them because he had no idea. Neither of his parents had red hair, he even asked them the same question but they've never told him, I wonder why? Some people think it's because he has the power to form fire.

"Hey mom!" said my son, Jack as he came to me.

"Jack..." I smiled at him. "How was your game?"

"It was fun!" He smiled adorably to me, but the smile faded. Oh I really wanted that smile.
"When will I see her?" Oh that's the question I so don't know how to answer it. The question was always asked but still I kept answering it with the same lie, I don't know how long I could keep on lying to him. It hurts me so much to watch him waiting, thinking that he would see his baby sister again, but he never will.

I breathe in and said to him, "Soon." That's all I could say to him for now.

"How soon?" I could see anger and sadness in his eyes. "You kept telling me that same thing for two years but still she hasn't come home yet."

"She's just with grandma and grandpa," I tried to think of a good lie so he wouldn't panicked or try to do anything that I'm afraid he would do. "They must have loved her so much they didn't want to give her to us."

"But she belongs to us!" He said. I mainly slapped myself for telling him that she was with her grandparents. How am I going to explain it to him now?

"Jack," Jack left me and ran in through the door, I think he's going to his room, crying again for the hundredth time. As much as I want to go to him and comfort him, he wouldn't let me because I'm not the one he wants to see.

Oh Sally, my little girl, where are you??

She was just two years old when she'd gone missing. I don't know who or how it happened? But I remember Ronan and I, sleeping peacefully when suddenly 9 bells rung, signalling that Sally was missing. Ronan had sent the guards to search for her, but they haven't found her.

Jack was away that time when she'd went missing. He doesn't even know. Oh how much he had loved her. Sally was so special to everyone.

She always had a way to put a smile on the hardest man I'd ever known, my father. He had a huge temper, I've never once saw him smile, but from the time he'd saw Sally, a beautiful baby girl who was in my arms, a smile was formed on his lips.

It was like Sally was heaven's sent, she had black hair and black eyes, a blue aura was circled around those gorgeous eyes. Everyone loved her. Even Jack, he's always being the over protective brother around her. Always trying to protect her even though he was only seven.

Oh poor Jack if only you knew.

"Your highness," I looked up and saw Leo, one of the palace guards. "His Highness is here."

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