Chapter 3

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Swords of Wisdom




Three bells were ringing in the early morning. Elsa's eyes shot open when she heard the bells.

Three bells? She asked herself, what has happened to her father.

Whenever the king is sick the three bells always rang.

She quickly put on her blue robe. She opened her door and looked out, maids were walking to her father's room, carrying dishes with what looks to be hot water and some handkerchiefs. Okay, her dad was really sick.

She walked in the room and saw her mom sitting on the bed next to her dad.

"What's going on?" Asked Elsa.

Idan turned to Elsa. "Daddy's sick dear."

"I figured," Elsa muttered as she stood at the side of the bed. "How'd he got sick?"

Idan sighed, "Well your dad, being his stubborn self, stayed up all night when it was cold. Now he's got a fever.''

Elsa looked at her father and gave him a weird look, wondering what he was doing all night.

"What were you doing, father?" Asked Elsa.

Edgar looked at Elsa. "Arranging the documents that I would need for my meeting with the King of the north."

"What? Were you going to be leaving today?" Elsa asked her father.

"But he won't be going," said Idan.

"Idan, the meeting's important," said Edgar.

"Can't you postpone it?" argued Idan.

"I can't," Edgar tried to get up, but Idan pushed him back to the bed.

"If it's so important to you, then I'll go," Idan said with a serious look.

"What? no!"

"And why not?"

" don't know what the meeting is about."

"Well than tell me."

Edgar sighed, knowing his wife wouldn't let him go. "Fine. It's about..." he then realize that Elsa was still here. He looked down to Elsa. "Elsa, could your mom and I be alone now?"

"Huh sure," Elsa turned around and left the room. She wondered what her parents could be talking about. Could be the same old same business that they always have with the other kingdoms.

She decided to go check on her sisters. They both might already be awake. Elsa chose to check on Anna first.

She knocked on the door. "Anna, you awake?"

She did not receive any response, instead she heard noises.
Being curious of what was happening inside, she pushed opened the door and walked in.

"Anna?! Are you alright?" She was actually surprised when she saw Anna and Anine jumping up and down in excitement.

"Elsa! Elsa!" They both said, still jumping.

"What's going on?" She asked as she stopped both of them before they both could jump higher to the roof.

"Didn't you know?" asked Anna.

"Know what?" asked Elsa, looking confused.

"Zachary and Mason are coming!" They both said in unison.

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