More Trash

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Ok, someone suggested this in the last chapter but I wasn't thinking about doing it because I'm lazy but I literally have no life right now and was inspired so why not? They requested "Burn" and I just wrote some quick parody lyrics, this is from Yu's vision.

I was happy that you accepted me
From the moment I was with you
I knew I was fine, I said I was fine, I thought I was fiine

Do you know what my mind said, when I first arrived, it said "Be careful with these ones, they'll use you to survive"

You and your friends flooded my senses, Honey left me defenseless, I built palaces out of silence, I built cathedrals..

I'm remembering the places you showed me
I'm searching and scanning for answers
In this time, for some kind of lie, when I was fine

The world seemed to burn....burn

You confronted me in the hallways
You told me how you thought I was bad
In speaking your mind, you have ruined my life
Do you know what my mind said? When it felt what you've done, it said "You're just worthless, you'll never be with anyone"

You and your words obsessed with your silly club
Your sentences border on senseless
And you are paranoid when you see me...
How I perceive me...

I'm erasing my self from this world
Let my cousin wonder how Yu
Reacted when you tore her apart
I'm watching you burn, watching you burn!

The world has no right to my heart
The world has no place is my head
You don't get to know what I said
I'm burning the memories
Burning the place that might have redeemed you

They forfeit the rights to my heart
They forfeit the rights to my head
I'll fight alone instead
With only the memories
Of when I was FINE!

I hope that I burn...

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