Meeting the Prat

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Arthur was working on his studies with his Private tutor when he thought he heard a voice. "Can anyone hear me?"

"What in Abilon?"

"So you can hear me! I'm Merlin."

"How are you in my head?"  At this point Arthur's tutor was trying to get his attention, which the young prince did not notice.

"I don't really know. Who are you?"

"I'm Arthur."

"Nice to meet you Arthur I'm Merlin."

"You said that already." At this point the poor tutor became worried for the prince's health so he left to get Gaius the court physician.

"Sorry are you a druid?"

"No. I don't like magic. Aren't you just someone I made up?"

"No *giggle* I'm a real person silly."

"How old are you?"

"I'm seven. how old are you?"

"Ten."  Gaius arrived and was looking curiously at the prince waving his hand in front of the prince's face.

"Oh I was hoping I would be the older one."

"Do you have magic?" 

 "I am unsure of what is wrong with him Sire, I have never seen one space out like this." Gaius said to the one and only king of Camelot.

The king responded with the question,"Could it be magic?"

"If I say yes will you hate me?"

"I do not know depends."

"On what?"

"If you're a bad person."

"I promise I'm not."

"Okay then no."

"I have magic. Can you tell me something about you?"

"I'm the prince of Camelot."

Uther was becoming frustrated with his son and was about to start shaking him.



"That is so cool! Do you have a lot of servants and stuff?"

"Yeah they-" Arthur was cut off by his father shaking him.

"Arthur are you alright?" Uther asked frantically. 

"I am father." Arthur said curtly but respectfully.

"Thank goodness. Alright," He said rising to his full height," Gaius take Arthur to your chambers for an examination to be safe." He ordered of the old physician.

"Of course sire." Gaius responded. On the way to the physician chambers Arthur tried to contact Merlin. It took a while then he heard her voice.

"Arthur!? Are you alright?"

"I am. Sorry my father took my attention."

"That is alright. I was just worried."

"I am not really able to talk right now due to my duties."\

"Alright if you want to speak again just think about me and we will connect."

"It was nice to meet you Merlin."

"Same to you Arthur"

AN: So this is a random idea that popped into my head while watching Merlin. "Hmm what if Merlin was a girl and "her" destiny was intertwined with Arthur's even when they were kids." Tell me what you think in the comments please. Til next time. 

EDIT: Alright the story will essentially be the same with added detail. YAY!! As you may have noticed (if you read before the edits) I took down the other chapters that will only be temporary. I will get them up as soon as I can. Let me know either by PM or in the comments if you liked this chapter better than the previous version. Til next time

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