"He's my best friend and I've never seen his face."

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AN: This Chapter is dedicated to @SassySasser660!!! They (Sorry I'm not 100% of your gender and did not wish to offend you in any way...) have been reading and commenting on my chapter revisions and making my day!! So surprise shout out to you for being AMAZING!! PS: This chapter is extra long (done in ONE SITTING) because I wanted to make you happy. Did it work? [Word count (excluding AN) : 1049 ]

One week time skip.....

Ever since Merlin and Arthur spit their minds apart people were noticing that they were acting different, and not in a good way.

 Arthur wasn't paying attention in meetings. He learned that he only paid attention in meetings, mostly about diplomacy, because Merlin wanted to know all about how to negotiate and different ways to do it. This angered Arthur's father Uther and in turn made Arthur angry. Of course Arthur used that anger during training.

Merlin ignored basically everyone because Arthur was her inspiration to be social and wanted to know about the people in an ordinary village from the view of a, mostly, normal person. She also stopped eating. Not necessarily on purpose but because she just forgets.

Neither one of them were doing well. No one would if they lost someone that they've been close to since they were children.

Hunith, Merlin's mother, thought Merlin needed a change of scenery. While Uther thought Arthur just needed more training and hunts. Neither one of the single parents thought what the teens needed was companionship.

Merlin had just completed her field work and medical studies for the day and was relaxing out in a flower field near her village when a brown haired woman, with a nice tan, approached."Merlin? Are you alright?" The woman's sudden question and approach startled the paler teen with midnight hair who was lost in thought.

"I'm sorry mother...and yes I am quite alright why do you ask?" The young teen asked in a confused tone. When has she sought me out?

"Well.. you haven't seemed well for the past week and I was wondering if you were ill." The woman, now revealed as  Merlin's mother , Hunith, said in a careful tone.

"I'm not sick mother..." She then paused and considered her next words carefully... "I am just missing an old friend."

"Who if I may ask?" 

"You wouldn't know him." Merlin said in a dismissive tone.

"Please I've treated everyone here in Ealdor. There is no one here that I will not know." The elder woman said proud of herself.

"That's the thing.... He's never been here..." The teen started, "He is far away. He's my best friend and I've never seen his face, and before you ask how I communicated with him though my magic."

"How is that possible?!" Hunith exclaimed. "Never mind your father could do it too. That's besides the point, is he the reason that you have been acting like this?"

"Yeah I guess he is." Merlin replied honestly. "He's my best friend."

"Well the forces of magic tend to work in your favor.. I believe that you will see him again. Have some hope."

"That sounds like a great idea." Merlin smiled for the first time since the break in the bond and it relieved Hunith greatly.

After that Merlin rarely forgot a meal did all of her chores and even took a further interest in medicine.

About a year later...

Merlin and Hunith became closer after Merlin revealed her friendship with Arthur and she even told her something about him. Some things she thought were just unimportant such as the fact that he was the Prince of Camelot.

It was a strange day to begin with, but it kept getting stranger. It was summer so it was hot and Merlin had long hair for the longest time but she got sick of the heat that came with it. So she cut it short. Really short almost shorter than her friend Will's hair. Of course Hunith had left early to gather herbs, so she was unaware of this change.  Shortly thereafter, a group of travelers stopped with an extremely injured man... Merlin had to step up and do a huge medical job WITHOUT her mother. She had only ever assisted but knew that if she did nothing the man would surely die....

When Hunith returned the men were still there and they were thanking Merlin for HIS hard work. Hunith absolutely freaked. The men were confused. Hunnith didn't know what startled her more. Her daughters hair? The fact that she was covered in blood or the fact that she was wearing some of Will's clothes?

"What happened here?" Hunith exclaimed.

"You must be the Physician here. Your son just saved our friends life." One of the men, he looked like a fighter, said to Hunith. He then turned his attention to Merlin. "Thank you so much lad."

"It was no trouble." Merlin said before Hunith could point out that her son was in fact her DAUGHTER.

"How much do we owe you?" The same man asked. Hunith gave them the price and looked the other man over.

"He should be safe to move around in a few days, but he will have to take it easy. He can stay til then but I am afraid that the rest of you cannot."

"That's no problem m'am we will make camp a little ways outside the village and return in the morn." Another one of the men said looking like a huge weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.

Hunith and Merlin both smiled at the men as they left the house. After they were gone Hunith turned to Merlin and told her that she was proud of her and that she deserved this opportunity. That statement confused Merlin but then Hunith said that they needed to talk about her atire and hair before they started that conversation. 

After being lectured for an hour it was revealed to Merlin what the opportunity was. Turns out Gaius sent a messanger to tell Hunith that he wanted Merlin to become his apprentice in Camelot. Merlin just stared at her mother in shock. When she realized... She would get to see Arthur...

"Mom... I have to do this." She said seriously.

"I thought so. It is an amazing opportunity and-" Hunith was caught off guard when she heard Merlin sniffle. "What's wrong?"

"I-I get to see Arthur. He lives in Camelot." Merlin said looking up she was grinning ear to ear with tears rolling down her face. After that statement Hunith wrapped Merlin up in a hug and after Merlin stopped crying she backed up. "I am so happy."

"As am I Merlin...As am I..."

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