"We do! I will duel you!"

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An: please keep n mind that the italics in this chapter are Arthur's thoughts not Merlin talking. 

 Edit: part of my chapter and the title didn't save and I had to rewrite it but I forgot what I wrote so I changed a lot of what happened this chapter so.. here is the full chapter now.

Arthur wanted to talk to someone about Merlin. Just to prove that she was real. He couldn't talk to his father, Uther would send knights to Ealdor to kill Merlin for using magic. He wasn't to sure about telling Morgana, she might tell Uther... His knights were out of the question they are too loyal to Uther.

"Sire?" Arthur looked up at whoever caught his attention.

"What is it?" Arthur was not having a good day and if this servant was getting him for his father he was probably going to loose it.

"Your father wishes to see you." The female servant said kindly. Arthur is done with everyone today so he flipped his shit and threw his empty goblet at the servant. She squeaked and scurried away.

Arthur stood from his seat in the library and started heading towards the throne room in an angry manner. When he arrived the King was sitting on his throne looking very impatient and displeased. "You summoned me Father?"

"Yes I did," Uther began, "There has been a druid camp spotted within Camelot's borders. I want you to either send a group of knights led by Sir Leon or lead a group yourself."

"As you wish Father." Arthur responded curtly.

"Go now. I want this dealt with as soon as possible." Uther said with distain.

Arthur turned and left the throne room to prepare a raiding party. He gathered a group of seven men and set out to the location of the druid camp. I... I feel like this is wrong... Arthur continued on preparing to leave ignoring his feelings.

As Arthur was leaving Morgana rushed out the doors of the castle, "Arthur I have a bad feeling about this quest please, stay we need you here."

"Morgana I can't just..." Arthur started.

"If I may sire," Sir Leon started. At Arthur's nod he continued, "You told me that I could lead this quest without you accompanying us. You can stay here and listen to the Lady Morgana's wishes and I will lead the group of knights and take out the druid camp if you wish it sire."

"Thank you Leon, I'll take you up on that."

Arthur spent some time with Morgana then left to attend to other duties that needed to be done. He was checking in with Gaius to see if he needed someone to get materials from out of town when Gaius suddenly said "I noticed you've had something on your mind for a while now and if you ever want to talk about it just know that I'm here Arthur."

"Thank you Gaius I'll keep that in mind..... Actually.... can you keep secrets from my father? Even if they include magic?" Arthur asked sitting down in front of Gaius at his table.

"Why, of course my boy. What seems to be the problem?" Gaius asked interest peaked.

"I... I have been talking to a girl who has magic...." Arthur started. "She has committed no crimes and she's had magic for her whole life, and I now think that magic isn't completely evil-." Arthur was cut off by the alarm bells ringing over the city. He rushed out of Gaius's  quarters and out of the castle into the courtyard. 

There was an old man floating above the people and shouting, "Where is the king of this kingdom?! I wish to duel him for the write to rule Camelot!"

Uther stepped out into the square and shouted "This is not how the law works! You have to request an audience and challenge me then but even so! Sorcerers aren't allowed that right! They have no rights here! Guards seize him!" The guards started shooting crossbows at the sorcerer to no avail. the sorcerer swooped down and grabbed a shooter and drained is life and as he did that the old man started to look younger. Everyone in the courtyard gasped in shock and then the remaining civilians scrambled and ran for their lives.

"Now that I have your attention..." The, now younger looking, old man said. "You or your son over there can duel me, normal duel no magic but also no armor, if I loose you kill me, if I win I get Camelot. Do we have a deal?"

"We do! I will duel you!" To everyone's shock it was not Uther that answered it was his seventeen year old son Arthur.

"No Arthur!" Uther yelled running forward. "I will fight!"

"No can do your highness." The man said mockingly. "Your son was the one who accepted the deal, your son is the one who must fight." The man then teleported them to the arena for the fight. "Prepare yourself prince." 

Once Arthur said he was ready the fight began. Arthur charged the man head on surprising him but the man still blocked. He retaliated with a left swing of the sword that Arthur had to roll under to dodge but while Arthur was dodging he managed to slice the man's leg in the process. The man growled and swung again, his swing went wide and Arthur took the opportunity and went for a hit but the man had other plans and sliced across Arthur's chest. This move shocked Arthur who fell back on the ground. The man stood over Arthur and said "You fought well but..." Arthur interrupted "It's I who should be saying that to you!" Arthur drove his sword threw the man killing him.

Uther and Gaius immediately rushed to Arthur and began to look at his wounds as Arthur began to loose consciousness....


Arthur awoke in the Gaius's chambers the before mentioned man was wandering around looking for something. "Gaius." Arthur rasped.

"Arthur!" Gaius rushed over with some water and helped him get a drink. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright considering the circumstances. I could use something for the pain if you have it." Arthur said. Gaius immediately got up to get some medicine. When he returned with the medicine Arthur thanked him and then said, "I was wrong about magic... It's evil it has to be why else would that man want to take over my father's kingdom?"

Gaius could see that his view on magic was once again corrupted and there was nothing that he could do or say to change that, the only on who could was the one who made Arthur question it in the first place...

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