"Merlin this is prince Arthur of Camelot."

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IMPORTANT!!!!! AN: Okay so if you guys are reading this right as I post it continue with this part of the message, if not skip down to the PS part of the message. PLEASE make sure you finished the last chapter. My computer crashed and didn't save the whole chapter so I had to redo a lot AFTER I posted it. I had to change the entire part because I didn't have a back up... This chapter and a lot of the story won't make sense without that part of the chapter. I'm so sorry! *Bows* FOrgIvE mE!! 

PS: Another thing about the bond it can be reconnected if BOTH people want it too. So um like say Arthur wants to talk to Merlin, he can try to talk to her and Merlin will feel it but is she doesn't want to talk to him the bond won't reconnect.... If this doesn't make sense feel free to comment and I'll try to explain it better... (Arthur knows about this....) Sorry for the short chapter.

It's-It's beautiful. Merlin thought as she was walking into Camelot. She probably looked like an idiot walking into Camelot gaping, but she couldn't bring herself to care. "It's amazing." She said.

A woman noticed Merlin's gawking and brought it upon herself to offer her a tour. "You must be new here. Do you need some help finding someplace?" Merlin looked at the darker skinned women strangely. Why is she talking to me?  "Oh, sorry my name's Guinevere but you can call me Gwen. You are?"

"Oh..Um... Sorry!" Merlin was embarrassed because she wasn't expecting someone to notice her gawking and essentially point it out. "I'm uh... Merlin! My name is Merlin. Sorry i'm a fool...."

Gwen giggled and said, "You're fine. I must have surprised you and I should be the one who's sorry."

"Oh no it's my fault you were just trying to be nice." Merlin thought for a second. "You... Wouldn't happen to know where the Physician's chamber is would you?"

"Of course I do. Are you hurt?" She asked alarmed and looked him head to toe quickly. "I don't see any injuries..."

"Oh no I'm here to study under Gaius, the court Physician." Merlin responded quickly. She normally would have been embarrassed by someone looking at her like that but Gwen and her were both girls (even if Gwen wasn't aware of that).

"Oh! Of course follow me!" Gwen then started leading Merlin threw Camelot and as Gwen was giving the tour Merlin noticed a blond man with bright blue eyes walking around town with a bunch of followers.

"Hey uh, Gwen, Who's that?" Merlin asked curiously. Right after she asked the man looked at her. His gaze was so intense that it shocked her and she couldn't move. 

"Oh! Hi Arthur. This is Merlin, he's new here and I'm showing him around. Merlin this is prince Arthur of Camelot." Gwen responded cheerfully.

'Merlin?'  Arthur wondered. 'If it is then... I'm facing a sorcerer.... If  not then I have nothing to worry about.'

'Arthur?'  Merlin thought looking at the man in question. 'He's... different than I thought he'd be...' 

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