Day one - First impressions

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Edward POV

New Town. New me. I'm finally here.
It wasn't easy getting out of the orphanage and getting the permission to live on my own with my Brother Alphonse. The military even allowed us to use their budget for buying a house. (Don't ask why I have connections to the military)
After almost two hours we finally finished pulling all the furniture into the house. Literally, pulling. It was heavy, but we did it! We are ready! Ready for a new beginning and a new life! Central City, we are coming!



"Ed, drink your milk!", Alphonse commanded.

-"Are you crazy, Al?! I'm not drinking that disgusting white liquid! Not in a million years!", I shouted back.

"You'll never grow if you don't drink your milk!"

-"Who's so short you step on him, not even noticing he's sticking on your shoe!?" I threw my fist up in the air and hitting it on the kitchentable with a loud bump.

"But Brother, I didn't even say that...", Al murmured.

I pushed my chair back and stood up, hands crossed in front of my chest I said:-"I'm off to school. Don't wait for me with dinner. You're coming home three hours earlier than me anyways..."

"Ok Ed, take care..."

I grabbed my red backpack and slammed the door behind me.
Morning air hit me like fresh water and gave me new energy. The morning tiredness was now completely gone. I breathed in deeply before I took the first step in my new destiny.

I walked for ten minutes straight and then finally saw my new highschool in the distance. Hundreds of students were gathering around the building like ants around their hill.
So that's it.
Damn it.
I'm getting kind of nervous now.
I sighed.
Fuck it, let's do this.
With a heartbeat like after running a marathon I set step into the massive building.
Not knowing what to do I stood in the middle of the hallway, surrounded by dozens of complete strangers.
Ok, Ed. Take it easy. Nobody's going to kill you. Just go to your locker and find your first class. Remember. Maths is first, two hours English, afterwards Biology and then Science. You are good at science, Ed, you can do this. You will survive this. And oh, don't forget the two hours PE in the afternoon. You're good in sports too. No need to worry.
Completely lost in my thoughts I suddenly felt pain running through my flank and pushing me to the side.
My head smacked against a locker. I sucked down, holding my head and rubbing it.
"Ouch, what the hell?", I whispered.
In front of me two guys laughed while pointing at me.

-"How's it going, Looser? Back in our Universe again?" One of them with black hair and dark brown eyes said in between laughters, before they rushed down the hallway.

I couldn't do more than sit on the floor, totally bumped by what just happened.

"Are you alright?", a nice voice asked.

I turned my head to see a girl with long blond hair and skyblue eyes, holding her hand in front of me to help me get up.
Thankfully I grabbed her hand and pushed myself up.


"No big deal. You are new here, right? I'm Winry. Winry Rockbell. And those asses were Envy and Greed. They are nicer when you get to know them, believe me.", she said with a smile.

-"Well I guess I would be a turd too if I were named after one of the seven deadly sins.", I joked.
She laughed and when she finished, she saw my Auto-Mail. Her eyes widened.
"Is that an Auto-Mail?" She pointed at my right arm. Crap... Now she'll think I'm a freak. I stood there in silence and waited for me to be doomed again by the Universe. It really doesn't like me.
I nodded shyly.

"You lucky one!", she exclaimed happily.

I lowered my head.
-"Yeah I know, I'm freak...!?"
Wait? Did I hear that correct? I rose my head in surprise. "Wait what?", I asked.

"Oh that's sooo cool! What material is it? Who made it? Where did you get it? Is it heavy? Dang I'm so jealous!"

Ahm... What is happening right now?
Well. I don't care. I like it.
With a sheepish smile I pulled my black jeans up and pointed at my leg.

"Look, I got even more." I proudly responded.
She screamed with her mouth shut.
Her eyes reflected her weird love for Auto-Mails.

"Winry! What are doing?! Come on already!", Envy screamed from the end of the corridor.

-"Well... I gotta go. See you around!"
She waved and ran to catch up with Greed and Envy.

I waved back with a smile on my lips.
"Yeah... See you...", I whispered but there wasn't anybody to hear my words anymore.
After a few moments of just standing there and trying to understand what just happened I noticed that nobody was around me anymore.

Crap! Did it already ring?! I'm gonna be late to my first lesson on my first day already? This will make a good first impression on my first day for sure!

I hurried to my classroom, knocked at the door and stepped inside.

"Excuse me, Sir. I kind of got lost and didn't find the classroom.", I kind of lied. I didn't really got lost. As a responsible student I informed myself before I got here.

-"Don't worry about it, Kid. Take a seat. There's one free in the back." He said and pointed at a seat in the last row. I turned myself to see Envy and Greed looking at me angrily. I cleared my throat and went straight to the last row. Trying not to look too scared.
I sat down and pulled my pencil case and my maths book out of my backpack.

"Pssst. Hey!"
I turned to my left to see Winry sitting beside me. She waved and smiled at me.
I waved back. I guess I'm lucky after all.

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