Day nine - Enemies

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~Edward POV~

Mustang and I were heading to the Fuhrer's office. I hated going back to the military base, I swear to god... -oh wait, I don't believe in god- *cough* so I swear to whatever is out there, I'd finish this stupid mission in no time and then continue living my own damn life. Continue being together with Winry. I hoped this wouldn't take to long, in two days is prom night and I needed to keep my promise to Winry. I had to be there no matter what. Mustang knocked on the big wooden door and stepped inside. I followed and closed the door behind me. Hands in my pockets I stepped in front of the Fuhrer's desk and rose an eyebrow.

"Edward Elric.", he said and folded his hands, resting them on his table. "I'm glad you could make it."

-"I was kind of forced to come here sooo..." I rolled my eyes and noticed a angry look from Mustang. In response he cleared his throat and I mimicked him. -"Anyway, what can I do for you, Sir?", I politely asked.

"We have a problem.", he answered.

-"Eeeeh... Duh, I assumed otherwise you wouldn't want me to come here.", I mumbled so quietly nobody could hear it.

"What was that?", the Fuhrer inquired.

-"Nothing! So what is this mentioned 'problem'?"

"There's a killer on the loose who specified himself on murdering state alchemists. We call him Scar." He slid over the files from the man and I took them, observing them carefully. "It's our duty to keep the town, and first and foremost the country, safe. So I kindly ask you, Fullmetal, to stop him in his doing but also take care of yourself... And the people you love... Agreed?"

I tried to hide my sudden shock and stood still, clearing my throat. He was talking about the man who killed Winry's parents. No doubt.

-"Well... Sir, I will do my best to arrest him as soon as possible. I'm thinking about an undercover mission, to keep my family and friends save. Is that ok, Sir?"

"I hope you know the risks and dangers about this, but I give you my ok for this one, but just to be clear and avoid misunderstandings, Mustang will still lead this mission. You can go now, thank you."

I glanced over to Mustang, then turned around and left the room in silence. As I already was on my way home a ruff grip on my shoulder held me back from going any further.

-"I do not want you to go after Scar, is that clear?"

I turned around to see Mustang.

"You want me to disobey the Fuhrer? Oh Roy, you dang bad boy."

He looked at me and then at the folder containing the information about Scar. I sighed. "Believe me, Leutnant, I'd rather live a normal life and make friends like other people than actually running in some stupid, life taking adventure. But I have to do this, don't I? So let me go and I'll take care of it after prom night. Deal?"

He held his breath, then nodded and I headed straight home and when I got there Al had a visitor. When I saw this so called 'visitor' I slamed the door shut and drew their attention to me. For now I ignored Mr. Hohenheim and angrily stared at Al. He sighed, smiled and tried to explain.

-"He wants to apologize."

"And you forgive him? Just like that?", I screamed.

-"Ed.", Hohenheim said. "I'm so sorry. I-..."

"Yeah you should be sorry! What you did is unforgivable! I cannot -and will not- accept your apology.", I interrupted him. A awful silence laid across the room for a few minutes until I broke it. "Get out.", I whispered.

-"Ed...-", Alphonse tried to say.

"No, Al! I don't wanna see him in my house!", I insisted.

-"But it's my house too! And I want Dad-"

"No Al, thanks, but I'll go now, I think it's for the best.", Hohenheim said and laid a hand on Al's shoulder. He went to the door and when he passed me he whispered:"Ed, I just want you to know, that I love you and your brother..."

-"Save it, Hohenheim. I don't know what you did to get Al actually to believe you, but I'll never forget what you did. So get the hell out of here and never show up here ever again."

I kept watching him and eventually he broke eye contact and left. Then I turned to see Alphonse packing his things.

-"What are doing?!", I scream-asked him.

"I'll come with Dad. Just for this night."

-"Did he brainwash you or some shit? Why would you do this?"

"He's our dad, Ed. And I want to understand why he left. Maybe it makes more sence if we'd know what his side of the story is..."

-"You are insane." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Ed, I'm gonna be home tomorrow morning, see you then."

-"You don't have the guts to go out this door, Al.", I  threatend him whilst I pointed at the door. He turned over and stepped in the door frame, smiling apologizingly. -"You don't dare to step any further away.", I hissed. He turned his head over his shoulder looking away, as he stepped out the door leaving me alone. Unbelievable! What?! What the actual flying fuck did just happen? He left me... For Hohenheim?! My hands became fists and I punched the wall, leaving a hole. Why did it feel like Alphonse betrayed me? I knew he didn't. I was sure of it. Whatever Hohenheim did to him, it made Al believe in something that's not existing. The good in this Hohenheim dude. I knew Alphonse did it for his own sake, just wants the best and didn't betray me... But why did it feel like it? Why did it feel like he turned his back on me and stabbed me? Yeah whatever, I'm just going for a run then... I need to reduce my anger level.

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