Night 11 - Upsidedown

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Winry POV

I never felt this alone in my whole life. I never felt this helpless. I had no idea where I was, where my grandma' was. I was somewhere and nowhere at the same time. And it's not like I never felt like being somewhere whilst being nowhere, but this was different. It was inscrutable. It was a mystery, something my brain wasn't able to fully understand. Maybe it was because it felt like I couldn't really take any of this. My head was aching, however I couldn't feel anything else. Couldn't see anything but pitch black darkness. This was all so odd.

"It's like my whole world turned upsidedown.", I thought and controlled my laughter. Normally everything that wasn't visible to others, my true self, was a dark abyss, which I could never fully see. Which I was never able to fully understand and everything around me was clear to see. I saw People, I saw sadness, anger, doubts and hopes. Now I see nothing. It felt like I was lost. As I tried to take deep and strong breaths I finally felt something. Not on my skin, but in my heart and it was sorrow. I had to pull myself together. Crying wasn't an option, I promised him. I took another two deep breaths and then started to regain controll over my body. I don't know how I did, it just came back somehow.
"I gotta find a way out of here.", I thought to myself.
Clenching my fists and gritting my teeth I slowly got up on both my feet and started to make myself comfortable with my surroundings by carefully touching them. I could've asked if somebody was there, but knowing I just inhaled oxygen way to loud into my lungs, this somebody would've probably already talked to me, since said person would've heard me. I shakingly made my way forward, bumped against a few indefinable things with my little toe (ouch) and searched for a doorknob or a switch to turn on the light.
After what seemed like eternity I eventually found a doorknob, tried to open it and banged my head against the wooden -at least it sounded wooden- door in frustration after finding out that it was locked. Of course it was locked.
What miserable kidnapper would actually not lock the door? But it was worth a try. I guess...
Then I found the light switch. It was broken. Fuck this. I don't want to sit in darkness.
Ed... Where the hell are you?

Edward POV

I was sitting in Roy Mustang's office, telling him everything I saw, so he could do his job and close the case. When I finished explaining everything to him, I stood up and wanted to leave, but Riza Hawkeye held me back, grabbing my wrist.

"Do you need me for anything else?", I asked.

-"You seem stressed. What's the big hurry?", Mustang asked.

"Stressed? I just saw someone take his life, plus I have no idea where Winry is, since the suicide victim made me think he was her. So, yes, I am. Can I go now?"

-"Our troops are already searching for her. You don't have to rush out there mindlessly. Gather your thoughts first."

I rolled my eyes. "You may be my boss in someway, Mustang. But you are sure as heck not my father. I am totally focused. I'll help your troops. I am going to find her."

With these words I freed my arm from Hawkeye's grip and rushed outside. The dank midnight air hit my skin and I looked up to the stars. How could the world be so beautiful when I lack the most important thing in my life? It seemed wicked. The world. In my eyes, at this very moment, it seemed nasty. Despite all that, I shook my head and continued running down the lighted streets of Amestris. In the distance I saw Major Armstrong investigating the 'crime scene'. I ran up to him.


He looked up at me.

-"Edward Elric! Well if that's no surprise. I thought I'd see you here soon." Intimidatingly his muscles were stretching beneath his uniform, however his baby blue eyes and blonde hair built a strong contrast. Despite his enormous form, he was very genuine and the most empathetic man I knew.

"Any clues where Winry could be yet?"

-"Not for sure, but we suspect her to be somewhere hidden in the victims house. In this very moment, special troops are examining the lodging and asking nearby neighborhood families if they've witnessed any suspicious happenings."

"Thank you, Major! I appreciate it! I'll join your group enforcements there!"

-"Take care, Edward."

I made my way to Envy's house, for the second time now with a heartbeat like it would explode any minute, and again I headed there to get Winry. This is twisted.
My lungs were burning and sweat was dropping down my forehead, but I saw the blue lights of the police cars in the distance, so I speeded up even more. I ran passed the officers and investigation troops and I pulled out my pocket watch, showing them fiercely that I have a right to be here. As I was able to see Winry in the distance, a relieved smile ran across my lips and my heart felt ten thousand times lighter than before. She was sitting on the backseat of Maes Hughes car, talking to him whilest he made notes. The mug she was holding was steaming in the fresh night air and a big blanket covered her body, like it would protect her from any more damage.

"Winry.", I spoke under my heavy breaths. "Winry!", I then added a little louder, so she could hear me.

She looked up, saw me and smiled.

I gave her the biggest hug imageable, and it felt so good to hold her in my arms again. Haltingly I pulled myself back to look her in the eyes, then I felt a sudden pain on my cheek and I saw Winry's eyes had filled with anger.

-"You stupid shithead! Never do that again!"

To be honest, I didn't quite understand what she meant, however I just nodded and cupped her face in between my hands.

"Okay.", I whispered before kissing her passionately. Behind me I heard Hughes say:

-"Oh my, young love. What beauty... But not as beautiful as my Gracia and Elicia, am I right?!" And then he showed around his family photo to everyone. Again. He's such a proud family man.

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