Day five - Don't leave me

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Edward POV

Friday afternoon, school's out, weekend's here. Even though I have to learn for school and basically don't have any time for -not existing- friends, because of housework and stuff, I cleared my throat on our way home, stopped, waited 'til I had Winry's full attention and asked if she wanted to hang out at my house.
For a ridiculously long amount of time neither of us said something. I swallowed.
"Idiot.", I thought.

"You could meet my brother Alphonse! A- and we could get some pizza if you like..."

-"That's so sweet of you, Ed! But actually, I'm already invited to Envy's Party tonight..."

I formed an 'oh' with my lips and lowered my head. Damn it, why am I always talking crap when I'm around her?

-"B- but you can join me, if you like!", she hurriedly added.

"No!", I exclaimed. "I mean... No. Really nice of you, but I have loads of things to do anyway. I- it was dumb of me to ask. I'm sorry.", I added a little quieter.

-"No, don't be! I'm glad you asked me! Let's save that for another time!"

"Y- yeah! Let's do that. Have a nice time at the party."

Before she could respond I was out of sight. I didn't look back. I headed straight home.


I smacked the door behind me and ran upstairs in my room.
I collided face down on my bed.

"Stupid Ed. You should have known better. Next time... just... shut up.
But what's so bad about it anyway? She didn't say no, because she didn't want to. Calm down Ed. And also, why do you care so much? What's going on with you? Ugh Ed. You are waisting precious time. Remember? Just study. Study your heart out and get good marks. And don't forget your training. Don't forget why you came here."

I sighed, stood up, got my maths and science book and started learning the important stuff by hard.

Alphonse POV

Me and my Brother. My Brother and I. Me and Edward.
I'm so glad we finally have the opportunity to live on our own. Independently.
For his sake I got a job and let him finish school.
He wanted to go to university and study chemistry since we were little kids. I didn't want to be the tree, laying on the ground, blocking his way.
So I got a job and did most of the housework so he can concentrate only on his studies.
I was looking forward to go to school and learn by myself, but that could wait.
He waited for me so much longer. I owed him one.
I owed him one for waiting and one for always being there by my side when nobody was.
Our dad left us, our mom died, I got ill, he lost his right arm and left leg, but I didn't loose him and that's what mattered the most for me.
One day, the day the doctor diagnosed Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis, or ALS for short, from that day on, he took care of me and even started working for the military with the age of twelve! Modern medicine allowed me to get better and defeat the illness. I was healthy again, but without Ed, I would have probably died long time ago.

For not leaving me and for saving me, I owed him one.

Edward POV

The evening sun was just leaving the horizon behind, when I finished my training in the backyard.
I took a shower afterwards, changed into something more comfortable and checked my phone.
Surprisingly I really had one new voicemail.
I decided to ignore it for now and go downstairs to help Al with dinner.

"Did you finish already? I just came to help you.", I said when I saw that dinner was already served.

-"No need to. I saw you were bussy, so I just started cooking, since I had time.", Al explained.


I laid back and rubbed my tummy.

"That was delicious, Alphonse! You should totally start a cooking career!"

He laughed.

-"Nah, I would like to make career in chemistry much more, just like you, big brother!"

"I'm glad to hear that! Haha, you would look stupid in a chef's uniform anyway!", I joked.

We laughed and for the moment, everything was alright.
The world was balanced once more and we were free.
Finally, we were free.
No military.
No orphanage.
No nothing.
For the moment, I was happy.


It was 10:30 p.m. and I was ready for my comfortable bed.
I got my smartphone and remembered, that someone left me a message earlier.
What is it, Chief?
Do I have to help the military again?
Are they really that helpless without me and my brother?
Anyhow, I pressed the button to watch the message.
Yeah. Watch.
Year 2030, remember? Technology allowed us to use holograms on an every day base.
So yeah.
It started playing and Winry was produced on top of my bed. Hair down, blue cocktail dress with short sleeves reaching to the top of her knees and dark blue converse.

"Hey Ed! I just wanted to say that I'm going to Envy's Party in half an hour. If you changed your mind and wanna come, meet me at my house in time. We can go there together if you want..."

Fuck. She looked so good. Or... She is looking so good...? Well anyway you know what I mean.
Even though I watched the message, another one was shown on my screen.
I activated it.
Once again Winry appeared on my bed.

"SUUUUUP, NERD?! OH MY GOD EDWARD, Edward, listen to me, Edward...
I'm drunk, hahaha, come hereeeee it's so much fun."

One more.

"Ed. Ed, I need your help. Come pick me up, help me please. I can't walk on my own anymore and I don't know where Envy and the others are."

In the last one, she wasn't even standing anymore. She was laying on the ground. Oh geez, Winry. What are doing?
I was seriously worried about her, so I grabbed my jacket and hurried to her rescue.

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