Night 7 - The old days

567 23 5

27. - 28.09.2030

~Edward POV~

After Winry left, I went downstairs and sat on the couch, next to Al.
I stared provocative at the TV and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
I noticed that he has noticed me, I saw him glancing over to me, but hell I was pissed at him. So we sat there in silence and I waited for him to say something, but all he did was smile satisfied and watch the news.
He was my younger brother! Where in the world was he supposed to be so powerful, that he made me feel so uncomfortable?
Few minutes passed, neither of us said something. Then he just staited:

"You like her."

-"No, I don't! Not like that..."

"Man, why is it such an unbelievable thought for you? Just admit it, Ed. What the hell...", he said annoyed.

"Because...! Because I don't have time for this!"
Best. Argument. Ever. Good job, dude.

Suddenly he didn't seem annoyed anymore, he seemed angry.
"You know what I think? I think you are a lil' pussy and afraid of your own feelings, because you never felt like that before."

All I could do was stare...
I mean, I noticed, that he slightly changed since we moved here, but I never expected to hear something like that out of his mouth. Something so... Hurtfully truthful.
Since when was he able to read my emotions like that? And why the hell does he know my emotions better than I do?
I bit my lip and clenched my hands.

-"It's not like I'm scared or anything! But...", I claimed.

Al turned off the TV and turned to me. He rested his hands in his lap and his gaze met mine.

"Bro, I know you are not scared. Hell, you are Edward freaking Elric, my super cool older brother, to whom I look up to since I was able to stand on both feet. You fought in battles for the military and heck, you even won. You saved lives and never regretted your choices. But let me tell you, you are such a loser when it comes to love."

Ah, there he was again. The Al I knew. I was really touched by his words. Even though there were probably a hundred things we should have talked about, I remained silent. I thought about so much, but I couldn't get it out of my mouth. I couldn't find the right words. My head was filled with thoughts and crap, I felt a lump in my throat and I gulped. Unsuccessfully. It was still there.
And what the hell was wrong with my chest?

"What happened?", he asked quiet, almost whispering, after I didn't say anything. "We used to tell each other almost everything. Why aren't we doing that anymore? Don't you trust me anymore?"
His voice broke somewhere in between the sentences. He had a hard time choking back the tears, I could see that. He lowered his head to hide his eyes.
"We used to be so close. Go through thick and thin..."

-"But we still are. We still do!" I took his hand and caused him to look up. His hand trembled.
-"Al, I hope you know, that I would do anything for you! And I didn't know... I didn't... ", my voice cracked. Fuck.
Pull yourself together, Edward!
I took a deep breath.
Just as I wanted to start to speak again, Alphonse started talking, cutting me of.

"I know! Ed! Don't blame yourself! I never said it was your fault! You just do your thing, that's how you are. And that's why I adore you. Ed, without you, I'd be dead by now! And I'll never be able to repay you, thank you enough for that, so I'd be glad if you'd finally find your princess and be happy with her."

I blushed and was flustered. However I felt super bad. Mostly because, in the old days, the thought of him leaving me behind in a world without him... I couldn't take it. So I did everything possible to save him. First and foremost I did it for my sake. Because I couldn't even imagine a world without Al. A world without him and me not being totally broken.

-"Don't thank me for that. A world without you would be boring after all." I breathed with a small smile. "Who else would drive me crazy and cook delicious meals?"

He started laughing too.

"Winry would.", he said and rose his eyebrows, wiggling them.
This time I just started laughing hysterically, to stop myself from braking out in tears.
Hey don't blame me! Al was doing so too!

-"You mean the world to me.", I whispered.

We had a bonding moment and hugged tight.
And then...
The doorbell rang.

We looked at each other in confusion.

-"Are you expecting someone?", I questioned.
He just shook his head.
I stood up and went to the front door.
Hesitantly I opened it.
A middle aged man with blonde hair tied into a ponytail, a beard and glasses in front of golden eyes, which glanced at me, stood there.

"Ed? Edward?", he said so quiet I almost didn't hear it.

First I thought: 'Why does he know my name? Who is he? What does he want?'
But then I got it. I had this 'Ah- moment'.
My eyes widened and my heart started racing. I felt anger rise inside of me and clenched my hands to fists, gnashing my teeth.

-"Who is it, Ed?", Al shouted from the living room.

The man got a little uneasy and started glancing over my shoulder. I instinctively blocked his sight without a word. I still didn't say anything.

"Was that Alphonse? Can I see him? Come on, Ed, let me in.", he demanded.
Still, I kept my mouth shut.

-"Ed?!", Al shouted again.
I heard him standing up and coming over.

I took a deep breath, looked down, thought about what I was going to do next and decided it would be for the best.
Again I surched for the Man's gaze and forced him to look me in the eyes.
I glanced at him angrily and shouted:


And slammed the door shut.

A Edwin Fanfiction Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now