Logic's Role

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"You had this all planned out didn't you?" Love had looked at her from where Passion's foot had had her pinned to the floor.

"Oh look you're just working it out! thing is, as long as Logic is alive, i can't exist for long. Morality and Logic stop that. Logic with reasoning and Morality with moral principal. but... if Logic dies my guess is Morality may go a little askew, and with negative energy i'll be powerful enough to step in more permanently. this works as soon as Logic dies. when he dies... Thomas is mine!" Love stared in horror. if Logic died Morality wouldn't stop Red Mist from using Anxiety's negative energy to take over Thomas's mind.

"Why do you want this?!" Red Mist had sneered

"Why not?" Then she had knocked Love unconscious again before going to Anxiety.

Love had woken up to Prince shaking her

"What happened?" Before she could reply they had heard Anxiety screaming 

"Help! She's crazy! Let me out!" Love nodded so that Prince charged to the door of Anxiety's room.

"You're lucky I don't absorb your pulse" Prince drove his blade through the gap in the door. 

"Stop right now with your dastardly plan!" Red Mist rolled her eyes

"Let's speed this up" She released more rage into the air, sending it to Logic before Prince could stop her.

"No!" He heard Love scream 

"LOGIC!!!" Everyone's heart skipped a beat as they heard Morality crying

"No!!!" Silence told everyone everything. Prince felt a weight drop into his chest as Red Mist laughed like Ursula

"You're too late! i'll give you a chance to save your damsel!" Ripping off a piece of her dress she revealed the knife underneath it, shoving the fabric in Anxiety's mouth

"It works how i want, so don't even try spitting it out! you'll choke on the regret!" Anxiety's eyes blew wider than fairytale coins as he looked at Prince. "Awe! how. sweet. realising your love?" She lunged with the knife as the door closed again. "Come on Pretty Boy! fight!"

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