Duelling + Locked Doors

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Anxiety was now a damsel. He was a gagged helpless deceived damsel for Princey to save. He loathed every move Red Mist made, hated her every heartbeat. She laughed while lunging with her knife, blocked immediately by Princey's sword. Prince jumped back to arc his sword in the air, clashing it on her knife as Red Mist snarled.

"Crowned freak!"

"Such insults could only come from a siren witch!" That was powerful coming from the regal tongued Prince. She lunged again, thrown off

"Oooh showing a little rage are you?" Prince twisted his blade's direction so it cut into her arm, blood trickling from the wound as he took advantage of her surprise, pressing forward with a swift lunge toward her stomach, jumping to avoid the sly kick she aimed at his shin. Anxiety looked on helplessly when a cruel punch made Prince double up, a knee in his chest following it so he was winded. Anxiety yelled through the gag so Prince avoided the blade, grabbing it in his attempt to block the attack. His voice was rage filled and un prince like when he spoke

"Looks like i have the advantage, foul maid!" Summoning another blade Red Mist hissed in his face

"Then use it!"

In the Locked Corridor

Morality's hand closed around Logic's wrist as they  ran, Logic getting weaker with every turn, his energy fading with only one other personality there, the trade flow not strong enough. They picked each lock until they reached the personal locks.

"Logan come on you can make it!" Logic saw the gothic lock in front of them, representing Anxiety with a jagged letter A.

"Speak to it. I advised the making of these locks. you speak the sentence that would unlock the one they represent." He couldn't think of anything until it hit him. Putting his lips near the lock he whispered shakily "You're not the bad guy" The door swung open to reveal Prince's lock.

"What could possibly unlock Prince? he has no clear insecurities." Morality whispered to it

"Thomas needs you" The door opened to reveal his own so Logic revealed what he heard him fret over, speaking not just to the door. 

"You will never be embarrassing" The door swung open to reveal Logic's personal lock. Morality looked at him, taking his hands and making Logic look at him.

"You're not emotionless." Logic started

"You...?" Morality nodded, squeezing his hands

"I know" They both turned to see the outline of a new door fading in, the letter E becoming visible as they walked through the yet to be born emotion's door. Then they ran through the Centre Mind.

in the duel...

Prince lunged his sword to one side, grazing her side as Red Mist edged backwards, Prince blind to her plan as the blade lunged again for his face, missing thanks to a warning yell from Anxiety. Red Mist taunted him

"What do villains usually do Your Highness? trap damsels?" She smirked at Anxiety "Already done that haven't I?" Prince blocked her again as she continued "Manipulate them?" She grabbed Anxiety's jacket and pressed the blade to his throat, looking directly at Prince when she spoke, Red Mist's voice dangerously calm and soft. "Or kill them?"

back in the Centre Mind

Logic was fading fast, he collapsed where they stood as Morality dropped down beside him

"Logan are you all right?!" Hauling him up he tried to support the slumping Logic.

"My energy... I'm going to fade..."

"No, no you're not don't talk like that!" He smiled weakly 

"I'm losing logical thought..." He slumped again.


"Morality... i have to know... what do you regret? i have to know in case I..." Morality desperately pressed his energy hand to Logic's forehead while crying 

"You're not going to fade! i won't let you! you can't fade!" Logic's eyes were getting heavier as Morality breathed shakily, tears cracking his voice as he kept his other hand at Logic's pulse. "And I regret..." Logic's eyes began to dull as his breathing slowed. Morality cried while whispering. "I regret not doing this..."

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