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"I regret not doing this..." Morality bent down with his lips near Logic's ear, moving to kiss his cheek. "I love you Logan..." Logic's breathing hitched when their lips connected, and Morality felt him... change.

in the duel...

Prince froze with his sword at Red Mist's chest.

"Lower your blade" She laughed

"Only if you lower yours" Anxiety tried to yell, earning him a sharp blow to the head which made him let out a muffled yelp of pain, Prince ready to rush to him as Red Mist smirked. "You know you are all painfully transparent. little Annie here was using me to make you jealous. whether he knew it or not" Anxiety went a deep red as she continued "The number of times he blabbed on! swooning for you like a little princess!" She put on a mockingly high pitched voice "Roman got a new sword today! Roman learnt some new fight moves! do you think Roman would like this movie? Roman Roman Roman!" Anxiety's breath hitched as the blade came closer to his throat. "So go on Prince Boy! lower. your. blade."

in the Centre Mind.

Logic's pulse sped up under Morality's fingers, his eyes brightening and dilating as his energy picked back up. He sat up only to be pushed back down gently by Morality as he continued kissing him now that he was returning it eagerly, blushing when Morality pulled back and grinned

"You're eager aren't you?" Seeing Logic's blush he laughed "Adorable" They both came back to reality too quickly


in the duel...

Anxiety was frantically shaking his head as Red Mist repeated

"Lower it! or he'll be one damsel you don't save!" Prince was torn until Red Mist smirked "All right then... say goodbye Annie"

"No!" Prince dropped the sword and kicked it towards her along with the stolen blade.

"Touching. But you really thought i wouldn't still kill him?" Another voice made time freeze

"What the hell?!"

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