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Red Mist whirled

"Oh crap. Thomas!"

"What the hell have you done with the others?!" The blonde with him held his arm

"Thomas what's going on?" Morality seethed

"She's Red Mist Kiddo. she tried to kill Logic and use Anxiety's energy to take you over" Thomas frowned

"Wait. where's Love?" Red Mist frowned

"I thought..." Logic was crying slightly

"She pushed me out of the way" Thomas was horrified

"You can kill each other?!"

"She can" Jon stared

"Your personalities! so in those videos it's not... oh my god that's weird" Logic cut in

"Thomas for our sakes, for yours, you have to reject her" Red Mist's eyes blew wide

"No! Thomas please no! i - i'll go away i won't come back but please please don't do that! i'm begging you! look i'm on my knees! don't do this please!"

"Bring Love back you parasite! stop poisoning my mind!"

"I can't! i can't bring her back i- thomas please!" He breathed in

"I reject you. i reject you from my mind" She began fading while still screaming 

"No! you piece of absolute....!" She faded out to god knows where. Logic answered the unspoken question

"The Forgotten Void. She'll never get out."

"I can't believe she killed my Love"

"At least you didn't lose all of it" Logic looked meaningfully at Jon.

"Thomas?" Thomas brought one hand to the side of Jon's face, reading his baby blue eyes before softly connecting their lips

"Thoma-?" Jon melted into the kiss, Logic, Morality, Prince and the now freed Anxiety sinking down to give them privacy. Jon moved his arms around Thomas's neck, returning the kiss gently until they broke off. "I've always wanted to do that" Thomas smiled before drawing him into another kiss

"Same here"

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