Chapter 52

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After the party, I was still kind of drunk sooo.. Hunter took me to his house, again.

"Are you good?" Hunter questioned while I leaned in back in the passenger's seat with a hand over my forehead.

"No. I have a headache." I replied groaning.

"It's because you always drink too much," he replied sighing softly. "You need to cut down on drinks at parties." he added.

"Nuuu. I need drinks so I can have fun, loosen up." I replied looking at him with a small smile.

"Will it be worth it in the morning? Your headache's only gonna get worse." he replies.

"Hmmm..." I replied putting a finger on my cheek thinking. "I'll get back to you on that another day." I added followed by a soft chuckle.

We were almost at his house, but I fell asleep anyways since all that dancing tired me out.


By the time we arrived at my house, I looked to my right only to see a knocked out Maria. She was snoring loud too which made me laugh because it was somehow cute and funny.

"Maria, we're here." I said shaking her slightly, but nope she didn't wake up, a heavy sleeper.

Instead, I got out the car and carried her out of the car and locking it afterwards as I walked to the front door and rung the doorbell. Mom should've been home by now.

Soon the door opened and it was just who I thought it was, my Mom.

"She's sleeping over again?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, she's drunk.. again." I replied.

"Oh dear, come on in and get her to bed right away." Mom replied opening the door wide as I stepped inside. "By the way, Ken's upstairs playing video games in your room." she added.

"Alright, thanks for letting me know." I replied with a nod before heading upstairs to my room.

As I stood in front of the door, all I heard was a lot of shooting. When I opened the door and entered the room, she paused the game and looked at me, then the girl in my arms.

"Whoa. I had no idea you were the bringing home girls kind of type.." Ken said looking at me surprised. "I guess, I'll leave you two to your business..." she added awkwardly getting up from my bed and walking towards the door.

"I'm not. This is my girlfriend, and she's drunk. We just came back from a party, and I can't take her to her house because she'll get in trouble if she's seen like this." I replied.

She stopped when I mentioned girlfriend. "This is your girlfriend?! Can I talk to her? I wanna know what she's like!" Ken bursted out with excitement.

"Maybe in the morning, right now she's tired.. and pretty much asleep." I replied. "Though, can you do me a favor and go downstairs and get me a glass of water for her?" I added.

"Sure thing!" she replied happily exiting the door then coming back few seconds later. "Also, I forgot to mention. She's really pretty! Okay, be back!" she added leaving again.

When Ken left, I walked over to the bed and laid her down and walked away a bit she moved a little groaning in agony.

"Hunterrrr." she groaned as I looked back at her and walked over to her again.

"Yes?" I replied looking down at her.

"Come here, kneel to my height." she replied, which made me wonder why I had to do so.. but I kneeled down on the floor anyways and placed my arms on the bed and my chin over my arms as I looked at her. She was laying on her side looking at me.

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