chapter 7

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Monday morning after the building collapsed school was closed. Mark let Kat sleep in because she had worked all weekend. Mark had the school board over for lunch and for a meeting. The town was so small that everyone did multiple jobs, the school boards job was to investigate the collapse. He heard Kat wake up and start moving.

Kat ran to the stairs and fell down. "Whoa!!" and she landed at the bottom. Everyone turned to look at her.

"Hi Kat you seem to be in a rush. Did your dad forget to tell you that today school was off?" The school principal said.

"Yes sir, Mr. Abernathy. Do you need help?"

"Yes but you should eat lunch first."

"Okay." As Kat are lunch the adults explained that they were investigating the building collapse. The needed her to oversee the transport of the rubble to a warehouse then she could go do whatever she wanted, they would call her when they need her. Also school as going to be out until they could determine the cause of the building collapse. Kat left and escorted the trucks with the rubble. She finished by two. She then became Naos and went to the cave she practiced for 15 cave days which was 6 hours. Kat went home and changed into her civvies before she entered.

"Ah Kat your back you were gone long. Was your day?" the school councilor asked

"It was great I spent most of it in the shade pondering things. Because you do not have time to rebuild them you normally build your buildings correctly, so how did that building fall. I looked up the schematics of the building. I found that there is a bank in the basement." Kat said. "What if the bank was robbed and the thief or thieves blew out the structural columns to hide their trace?"

"Yeah she is right. What if? How? Yeah let's follow that lead" erupted from the crowd. Kat went upstairs, took a shower, and went to bed. The next morning Kat went to the police stations and security companies to find out if they received an alarm from the bank. The police said they did shortly before the building collapsed. Kat interview the first officers on the scene.

"Well it was weird. The building looked fine from a distance but as soon as we pulled up to the building it collapsed. Why do you ask?"

"I am getting witness statements for my dad and the other members investigating this. Okay I best be going now"

Kat worked the rest of the day in the warehouse scanning the rubble with Starr at her father's request. The day after that Kat and Starr worked on creating a holographic model with the pieces the scanned. There were a few pieces that did not fit so Kat pieced them together and kept them on the side. Kat finished and she was about to go show her dad and the other board members when she received reports of another building collapse. She turned into Naos and went to the site. Kat worked she rescued survivors and put the rubble into the trucks.

Kat transported the rubble to a warehouse next to the one with the first building. She realized that there was also another bank in this building. She scanned and built the holographic model she also realized that the extra pieces matched the extra pieces of the other building. She rushed to show her dad....

"What? You mean they are targeting our banks" Mark said.

"Yeah and I know their next target. Gold Valley only has three banks, they are most likely planning to take out the third one. If they do that they could wipe out the money system of Gold Valley. I think Naos should watch the bank with undercover police officers. Hey Starr"

"Yes Kat?" Starr responded

"Can the time shield stop time but keep time going in the cave."

"No, but it can slow the time as much as one second in the real world is a year in the cave"

"Let's do that, we need the training but we don't have the time. Come Dad, come watch us train" Kat trained for 100 and recovered for 30 cave days. Kat unlocked night vision and infrared vision. She also gained the ability to fly.

"Kat and Mark talked the other board members and the police. 10 undercover officers waited in the bank. Mark and the other board members pretended to be bank tellers and Naos hid in a cabinet by Mark's feet. Two men walked in with heavy duty duffel bags. Naos scanned the bags and she realized two of the bags were empty. She said over the wireless ear piece "Hey two people just walked in they have two empty bags and the third has wires in it. Most likely the explosive device. Mark I need you to step back" and at that moment Naos went into stealth mode.

"Okay Naos I will let you do your thing" Mark responded. Naos climbed out of the shelf and moved in on the men. News vans pulled up outside. They somehow figured out that the banks were being targeted...

Naos told the cops "move in but don't attack. If they escape I will get them."

"Yes Miss. Naos" the officers responded they moved up to the counters to listen in" The thieves walked to the counter told the lady they wanted to make a withdrawal when she asked how much they flashed guns. Then the police moved in. The men took off running at this moment Naos came out of stealth mode and caught them.

But then the explosive charges activated. Naos grabbed the bag

And went into flight mode. She propelled herself though the glass. Doors shattering them. She launched into the air. Naos went as far as she could then threw the explosive charges. They exploded then launched Naos back to the ground. Naos hit the ground and Mark ran out.

"Naos! Are you okay?" Mark and the officers shouted.

"Yes I am okay but I will be sore in the morning." Naos said as she stood up. Naos hopped on her motorcycle and rode away.

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