chapter 6

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The smoke became thicker and thicker. Mark heard a small cough. He tried to get past the shield but it held him back. He hit it and hit it trying to make it break. He could not lose his daughter like he lost Laura no, never again, never. He then remembered something Starr told him.

"In case something goes wrong tomorrow you need to find a way to clear smoke. Do that before you deactivate the shield. You must work fast otherwise you will lose your daughter. Are you understanding me?

"Yes, Starr, I understand."

"Okay the code to deactivate the shield is 4, 7, 9, 2. But you must figure out how to get rid of the smoke first."Mark followed Starr's instructions. When the smoke cleared Kat was lying of the ground but she was different. She wore what looked like blue body armor with a pink Starr shaped insignia on her right shoulder, which was Starr's main body. She had a gold belt with a blue Starr on it. Her shoulders knees and elbows were silver. Her palms were silver. Two gold stars were on the top. The stars were thicker than the rest of the glove. The top points of the star reached up her middle finger and stopped right before the first knuckle. On both hands the bottom points extended down to her wrists and connected to bracelet with little buttons on it. The buttons helped her control her power. She also had a blue helmet. There was a silver stripe across the middle and a gold star on the front. The star was a screen. There were tiny little cameras that no one could see but they helped her see what was outside.

"Kat, are you okay?" Mark asked Kat. Kat woke up and was confused.

"Dad, what happened," Kat asked "and what am I wearing?"

"Well I am not sure, there was an explosion and then lots of smoke. I cleared the smoke and then you were in the middle of the room dressed like you are now.

"Well," Starr said "I was able to successfully link with you. This suit will hide your energy signature."

"Hey dad what day is it I lost track of time last time I was in here" Kat tried to stand but fell over. Her body collapsed with exhaustion

"I don't know but we need to get you home to rest." her dad told her. It was dark by the time they exited the cave. "That is weird I am sure it was around noon when I went in there." Mark murmured to himself."

"It was" Starr said "did you forget that the shield has the ability to manipulate time"

"I guess I did, I didn't realized you were awake" Mark put Kat and Starr in the car and drove home. Kat and Starr were still together when he put them to bed. The next day was Sunday. Kat and Starr slept straight through it. The next morning Kat woke up. She was confused. Starr then instructed her to hit the button with a star on it. She hit the button and suddenly she was wearing normal clothes and the helmet turned into a normal bike helmet. The bracelet turned into a watch and there was the button with a star on it. Starr explained that this button would put her in camouflage mode and it would disappear when she was fighting so she couldn't hit it and let one of her enemy's see who she really was.

At school that day Kat was fighting to stay awake she was exhausted. Her body was still recovering but she stayed at school. Slowly she regained strength by the end of the week she regained her strength and started to learn the buttons on the bracelets. Some of them were locked and they would unlock when she became strong enough to achieve the powers. But camo and Star-mode, which was her in the suit, were unlocked.

After school on Friday Kat got on her bike and started to ride home. Starr instructed her to change into Star-mode. Kat did as she was told and was amazed as the bike changed into a motorcycle. The frame was silver. Instead of gas the gas tank converted R.S.B. energy into fuel for the motorcycle. The gas tank was two different shades of blue that swirled around as the energy mixed into fuel. Two gold stars were on the side of the gas tank.

Starr then told Kat to go to the cave. Kat headed to the cave. Kat walked into the cave and asked Starr why they were back. Starr told her it was to train. Then he went to the command panel. He sped up the time in the room to where 1 minute in the real world is an hour in the cave. Kat and Starr worked for a long time they worked all of a complete day which was 60 days in under the shield. By the time they had emerged Kat developed three more modes, strength, stealth, and speed. Kat and Starr went home and spotted on the news that there was a building that collapsed. Starr suggested that they work on their powers by helping.

"But we will be seen won't we Starr?" Kat protested.

"Yeah, probably. But that is not all bad if we get into a huge fight it might be nice having the community on our side." Starr thought aloud

"What do you mean?"

"If the people discover us right after a fight they might think we are vigilantes but if the discover us by us helping the community they might support us.

"Huh, I guess you are right. Let's go!" Kat changed into her star form. They arrived at the scene and signed in when they asked what her name was she said the first thing that came to mind "Naos that's N-a-o-s"

A person that had majored in astronomy was close by and recognized that the name Naos was the name of a Blue super-giant. "You are named after a star?"

"Yeah my parents thought I was their little star." Kat said. "Where did Naos come from" Kat thought to aloud when she was on her own.

"It came from your mother she used to call you Naos as a child. It was a name she said that she was going to name her child when she was living on Solaria"

"Daddy don't sneak up on me like that!" Kat cried "but that does make sense..."

"Of course it does. When you linked with Starr you got back a few of your childhood memories. Now let's dig" they started digging it was difficult because the pieces were large and heavy. Kat changed into strength mode and dug it took her all night and day by the time she was done she had cleared away all of the rubble and saved 29 people. By the time she got home she was exhausted and overworked. She went to bed and had a dream about her mom and the Starlinks. When she awoke the sun had already risen. "Oh no school has already started" Kat exclaimed as she rushed to get ready.

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