chapter 19

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"Korey, wake up!" Korey opened her eyes but was unable to move. "Korey I am still weak but I was hit first and I am bigger than you so you probably can not move. I don't know what Kat hit us with but she is gone and we have been out for over 8 hours. We need to tell her dad. I cannot pick you up and moving is really hard. It is almost 2 in the morning so let's stay here for the night and go home when we can walk again." Jake explained and Korey nodded and fell asleep again.


It was 4 in the morning now and Jake could not sleep. His mind was swimming with questions. "Why would Kat knock us out? Where did she go? What did she mean by 'you must not know'? Ugh this is aggravating. What is wrong with her!?" Jake thought aloud.

"I don't know but now we have to explain to her dad and our parents what happened. I am not looking forward to that." Korey answered.

"Korey you are awake? Can you move?"

"barely but we have been out for almost 12 hours. What ever she hit us with was strong." Korey replied. "the sun will rise in an hour then it will be safe to walk home."

"Yeah even if we can't sleep we might as well save our strength so we can get to Kat's house. Her dad could call our parents." Jake and Korey laid back down for as long as they could.


Then they decide it was time to go "I have recovered some of my strength I will help you walk and hope I don't fall."

Korey nodded. The got up and realized that they would have to support each other.

"Mr. Jackson we need to talk to you! It important!" Korey and Jake shouted as that knocked on the door when they got there.

"Hey kids, what's up?" Mark asked when he answered the door.

"Mr. Jackson, I think you need to call our parents." Jake said and the small amount of strength he and Korey had wore of and they collapsed in through the door.


"Jake! You were out all night, you didn't call or let us know and then you show up here with Korey and both of you are barely able to walk! WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!?" Jake's mom was shouting.

"Yeah what happened to the two of you" Korey's dad said a lot calmer. They had arrived a few moments before and learned about the kids showing up.

"Kat has been acting weird so we followed her to a warehouse" Korey blurted.

"we entered and nothing was in there." Jake added. "But then Kat appeared behind us and said something about 'I knew you would follow me here'. The she- she-" and Jake started to cry.

"she took Jake's hand and hit him in the shoulder. He fell to his knees but she got me too. The she said 'I am truly sorry but you must not know ' and disappeared" Korey finished Jake's thought.

"got you with what?" all three parents asked.

"We don't know but we were out cold for at least out 8 hours and even when we awoke we could not move. Once we could, we came here." Korey stated.

"Ugh" Mark shouted and hit the table smashing it "YOU IDIOT STARR, YOU HAD TO TEACH HER HOW TO MAKE POWERFUL TRANQUILIZER DARTS DIDN'T YOU! WHAT DID YOU GET HER CAUGHT UP IN!? IT BETTER NOT BE REVENGE FOR THE DEATH OF THE OTHERS!" Mark turned around, and ran out the door, as John entered, to the direction of the warehouse leaving a group of stunned people in his house.

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