chapter 11

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Fangs... claws... a thirst for blood... anger... rage... a need to kill... why should he hold back and not kill those that hurt him. He howls and starts to writhe against the collar. The collar has four chains attaching him to the walls. He claws at the collar but the claws retract and he faints. When he awakens the thirst for blood remains. One of captors comes in to give him food. He lunges breaking the back chains off of the wall. Just one taste won't hurt. He snaps his jaws and blood splashed across his face. The blood flows into his mouth as he had severed the jugular. It's so warm. The taste of iron excites him. He howls again and breaks the other chains. He takes the man's keys. He got the chains off but couldn't get the collar off. He knew that it he hit the alarm button then all the others would come running. One of them would have to have the key. He slammed his body into the alarm button. The loud alarm that he hated so much rang through the halls. As people ran through the doorway he took them out and hid their bodies. The covered his body. He finally killed the last man but he fainted again. When he awake in the puddles of blood he began to hyperventilate. He became what his captors called him. A MONSTER.


Flames licking the metal hull heating up the inside. How did this happen? Seconds ago he was arguing with his brother. Why? He can't even remember. He can't feel his legs. They are crushed. He doesn't know how bad. His body is heating up. He is burning... His brother... What happens if he or his brother dies and he doesn't get to apologise for yelling at him. He panicked. If his brother dies how would he ever forgive himself. He tried to call out for his brother but the hot air burned his lungs. His vision slowly faded to black and a headache grew. There was nothing he could do. He would either die in the fire or be forever reminded that fire could take away everything.


Icy cold water clung to her... It's chilled death-giving hands clung to her cold wet clothes dragging her down. She cried out for her mother. Suddenly a strong arm wrapped around her. It dragged her to a piece of debris. It was just big enough for her to lay on it. She was thrown onto she looked down at the face of her savior. It was her mother. Her mother sang a lullaby forcing her to fall asleep. When she awoke it was morning. It seemed her mother was asleep leaned against the debris. She tried to wake her mother but she instantly realized her mother was too cold. Suddenly, due to her previously shaking her mom, her mom slipped and fell into the water without even a single air bubble to show that she was alive. Her mother was dead, falling deeper into the water. Cursed water... It took her mother. She was seconds away from jumping into the water to follow her mother to the deep abyss, when she realized that her mother died to protect her. She couldn't jump yet. She would try and survive for as long as the ice-cold sea allowed her to. As nights passed she began to fear the power of the sea... she began to fear the iciness... she began to fear the water...


"Kids! Wake up!" The loud voice startled Ben, Julie, and Kovu out of their already restless sleep. "Are you okay?"

"Nightmare." The three kids stated together.

"What were they about." Mr. Hertz asked.

"Greatest fear." They said again.

"And that is?"

"Being a monster." Ben stated.

"Fire." Kovu added.

"Water." Julie shivered.

"Why?" My. Hertz asked.

"If I am a monster, It means I accept what they made me into." Ben shuddered before finding the carpet interesting.

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