21 - It was Stupid.

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Daniel's POV:

I wake up to Kiara in my arms and our clothes all over the place. I smile remembering it than I get up and use the bathroom. I put my boxers back on and than my clothes. Than I come back out and she's all dressed. We leave noticing my grandmother wasn't here.

We go back to my house and my Mother said, "Where did you two stay the night at?" I roll my eyes. "Mom I showed her the Juliet balcony and than we went into the guests' rooms and fell asleep."

"Your hair is messed up... And Kiara I know how to fix you up." My Mom said. I go upstairs and my dad, "Come on Danny." I roll my eyes than we both go into his room.

He said, "So what did you and Kiara do last night?"

"We renacted Romeo and Juliet... We kissed than we went downstairs... And fell asleep."

"You two are lying." He replied. I roll my eyes. "Dad honestly I feel like she doesn't have feelings for me."

"Explain why you two were holding hands on the way back here?" I blush and he does an Awe moment. I chuckle a little. Than he showed me a picture and I look just like him... "I lost it..."

"You lost what Daniel?"

"My Virginity..." My Dad Gets wide-eyed. "You have no reason to freak out. Did you two use protection?"

I shake my head, "I don't know... I don't want us to worry unless it's for sure." He shakes my head, "Oh Daniel look what you've got us into."

"I know Dad... I was stupid..." Look up at him, "I really thought she was the one though... Now, I just... Don't even know anymore."

"What makes you say she's the one?"

"When did you lose your Virginity Dad? And why did you lose it at that age?"

"I lost it with Savanna's old best friend... I was stupid and angry. I knew she wasn't the one.... But when Savanna did it with Reed... I wanted to be her first... I was only her first kiss. Just that one magical kiss Daniel, can change everything about you. I mean you cried and wouldn't get out of bed for a week when Cam and Kiara were dating..."

I interupped him, "Yeah cause Kiara didn't know Cam was with Briane and Courtney at the time."

"That's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is... She might be the one... I mean look at your sister Brooke... She was 14 years old when she had found out she was pregnant. Didn't go to school for a week... I could of beat the shit out of Drew for making my daughter a Mother at a young age. But something was pulling me from hurting him... I knew Drew had, had feelings for Brooklyn. Brooklyn hated the life out of him after they weren't friends anymore.... And look at my little girl now..."

"She's changed."

"Brooklyn? Of course she's 22 going to be 23 and has a nine year old daughter and may be having a Baby boy. She's engaged to Drew too. A fucking Becker.... Blake is better."

"He might take your last name Dad you never know."

"Don't mess this up between you and Kiara.... Did you really not have sex when you were with Brittany or Margaret at the time?"

"They wanted to... I didn't. I told you Dad I actually waited for someone special... Not just fuck someone and leave them in a ditch." I reply.

"Emily doesn't be in contact with us. She's blocked from everything.... Yet Garrett, Rebecca, and Eden have changed a lot. There all doing crazy weird things. But they graduated in Senior year. Not Junior."

"My Only, My Love." I respond.

"Is that what Kiara is too you?" I nod.

Kiara's POV:

Savanna was brushing my hair. "So you and Daniel?"

I smirk, "What about us?"

"You two together?" She asked while putting pieces of my hair together.

"Not that I know of.... Yeah, I don't think so." I responded.

"Oh.... Where did Daniel take you?"

"Your Balcony when years ago you and Justin renacted Romeo and Juliet."

~ Flashback starts ~

I said, "Your Ridiculous."

Justin replied, "Ridiculously Crazy for you." I blush a little. I see he's blushing too. He leans in, so do I. Our lips move in Sync.

~ Flashback Ends ~

"Oh I remember when I was your age when I did that with Justin. He had a box of pizza and two bottles of soda. Already on my Balcony. I asked, 'What is this Romeo and Juliet?' 'He smiled and told me Maybe.' I shook my head and said the lines of the book."

I smile, "What happened after?"

"We had our first glory kiss. It wasn't just a simple kiss or a peck. It was a very passionate and gentle kiss.... It was amazing," She replied.

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