27 - Hi Mommy❤

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Kiara's POV:

My daughter's name is Violet Green Blake. She's a few weeks old. Daniel has been really really tired. He gets sleep I don't. Jade and Jay came today. It was nice having company over. Anyways my Daughter looked beautiful sleeping. Danny my boyfriend Or should I say Fianceé.

"Kiara?" I look at Brooklyn. "Can we talk?" I nodded my head yes and we brought her son and my daughter in the car. "What's up?"

"Could I ask a personal question?" I nodded my head again, "Did you and Daniel have sex in My Mom's old bed room with the big Juliet Balcony?"

How does she know this? Did she see something happen?

"You did, didn't you?" She asked.

"Yeah," I say. Scared on her reaction, "I don't think my Mom would like to come back to my grandma's house. And sleep in her old bedroom​."

"Why?" I ask.

"Cause that's where Drew and I had sex. We told our parents we were going to a movie. Than a month later they found out I was pregnant.... God my Dad could've murdered Drew for what he did to his 14 year old daughter. Worst time you can get pregnant. Ever... Now I'm almost 23 years old I have a nine year old daughter and a new born son. Named Justin❤."

"Since I'm almost 17 years old... And I have a child, I guess I'm not going to college."

"Hun you were never going to college. Your famous, you have a little family. You and Daniel are engaged. I think you have this all to early. But why don't we go somewhere with our kids shall we?" I nodded my head. My daughter Victoria was sleeping. Justin was probably asleep too.

Daniel's POV:

Where did they go?! Drew and I were both in the living room. "Where did they go?!" He asked.

"I don't know. I'm guessing you fell asleep with little Justin?" I ask. He nodded his head a yes.

"Where could they have gone?" Drew asked, I shrugged my shoulders.

"I think they wanted to take Vic and Jay cause we were so tired and stuff yet we were taking care of them," I say.

"I haven't done anything for a baby since Cecilia was born. Now I have a son and UGHHHH this is gonna kill me," Drew said.

"I realized all of us has had a daughter first," I say. He smirks at my comment. "Yeah... I bet your Dad still hates me. For doing that to Brooke."

"I don't hate you," Justin aka my Dad said. "I was just upset knowing my daughter had to have responsibilities at a young age, yet she couldn't drive." He said.

"Daniel your working your ass off. But I think it was a good idea that the mothers let without you knowing," my dad exclaimed.

"Where's Mom?" I ask.

"They all took off. Savanna went shopping, Brooke and Kiara too the little ones somewhere and won't be back for another few hours. I would know they told me you were both asleep. Drew on the floor, Daniel on Kiara's bed." He continued.

"Dad it's gonna kill us. They know they shouldn't just take off like that," I say a little upset.

"Well since they won't be back in a few let's go do a guys night out. Like go to a restaurant or play games. Or hunt," he said.

"We're not the hunter type," Drew finally spoke. "I figured."

"Let's go, we're going to flags n wheels. My treat," he said getting the keys. We got our shoes on and left.

Brooklyn's POV:

"It's nice spending time with you, Kiara. You're really sweet," I say.

"Well... I really think it was a good idea to take off. Drew and Daniel have barely had any sleep." She explained. Our kids were being laying on there backs cooing. So nice....

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