7 - Dinner with Kiara

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Kiara's POV:

I'm at the Blake's house. It feels weird. I knock on the door and the famous Brooklyn Rose Blake opens the door.
She says, "Kiara Arii it's so nice to meet you."

"I didn't know Daniel had a Sister." I say. "Also nice to meet you too." She opens the door and hugs me. I can't believe I'm actually meeting Brooklyn.

Savanna comes in, "Hi Kiara so nice to see you again."

Justin hugs me and shakes my hand, "It's nice to see you again Kiara."

This guy says, "Is this the famous Kiara Arii? It's so nice to meet you." Than he shakes my hand.

"I'm Drew by the way. Brooklyn's Fiancée here."

Than this little girl screams And fangirls, "Kiara Arii! I'm so happy to finally meet you." I hug her.

"Nice to meet you too." I say with a smile.

Brooke says, "She's a big fan of you."

"Yeah I can tell. Thanks for inviting me Mr. And  Mrs. Blake."

"Oh call us by our names."

"Okay." When Daniel walks in the room. Everyone leaves us alone. Daniel says, "My Lady." He takes my hand and softly give it a kiss.

"Oh wow." He says, "I'm sorry you had to deal with all that."

"It's okay. I like your family."

"Shall we get seated?" Daniel asked.


*During Dinner*

Justin asked me, "So Kiara what do you do in your free time?"

"I either go on social media and tell people I'm going to this one place and met them or I sew, draw, dancing classes you kinda much name it for the Celeb life." I say.

Savanna asks, "So when do you go back to Los Angeles?"

"In a week actually. I'm going to be in LA for 4 days and come back to school and everything."

"Do you plan on Graduating Early?"

"Actually I plan on going to Summer School to get ahead otherwise no."

Brooklyn asks, "How did you become so famous?"

"I started blowing up on this app called Musical.ly it's been popular for years. But on Instagram I became home really quick."

"Wow congrats."

"Thank you." Daniel looks angry with me. This isn't good. So I just keep eating.

"So do you sing on stage? Go on tours?"

"I actually do my own tour and I let either a fan or a Celebrity guest come with me along the way. I do meet and greets after the show. I love meeting my supporters."

"Oh that's cool." I nod. Daniel gets up and cleans his plate and puts it in the sink. Savanna asked, "Daniel?"

"Yes Mother?" He asked a little angry.

"You are going to take Kiara home. So don't go anywhere."

"Whatever." He walked upstairs.

Daniel's POV:

I go upstairs into the living room and watch some TV. I watch a Romance movie. My Mom yells, "Kiara is leaving!"

"Okay. Be down in a minute!" I put on some Black Nikies, and a Galaxy sweater from Journeys. Kiara is all ready to go. I grab the car keys and she and I leave.

Kiara's POV:

I sit in the passenger seat. He gets in the driver's seat. I break the silence, "I know your mad."

"I'm not mad Kiara."

"You are too. I didn't tell anyone. I just wanted to secretly disappear from James and them."

"And disappear on me too?"

"No. I was going to tell you goodbye on the phone."

"Exactly tell me the day you were leaving. I knew my parents did that to me on purpose.... You shouldn't of came Kiara."

"Daniel look at me." He parks the car at a park.

He looks down. I look into his light green eyes. I ask, "What do you want happening?"

He breaks eye contact. He looks back up at me again, "I see potential, beauty, talent, confidence. Something I couldn't do." He takes his car keys and gets out. And opens the passenger door. We both decided to sit in the castle.

I lay against his warm chest. He wraps his arms around my waist. He says, "Why are you going to LA anyways?"

"I have to do a photoshoot for a Magazine. Plan my next tour. And I have an audition there too." We look at the stairs.

Daniel says quietly, "I don't want you to leave."

"I won't leave. I love being here."

"When you leave to LA. Promise to call me every morning and every night."

"I promise Daniel." I say. Than softly kissed his lips.

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