4 - Date

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Daniel's POV:

I'm walking to Kiara's house. Having a rose and a bouquet of flowers for her Mother. I knock on the door and her Father answers. There last name is Brandon. So it's weird.

"Hello Mr. Brandon nice to meet you," I say shaking his hand.

Kiara's Mother Mrs. Brandon comes in. She asks, "Are those flowers for me?" Pointing at the bouquet of flowers.

"Uh yeah. They are. I didn't know your favorite so I bought you these." I say nicely.

"Awe how nice of you. Thank you. Kiara! Your date is downstairs!" She yells from the stairs.

Kiara comes down in ripped Black jeans. And a long sleeve gray sweater. Her is wavy and she's wearing winged eye-liner. Kiara asks, "Is that for me?"

"Yeah. You told me that Blue roses were your favorite." She smells it.

"Mmm. Thank you Daniel." I nod. "Well shall we get going my lady?" I ask.

"Yeah. We should get going." She tells her Mom Goodbye. And we get going.

Kiara's POV:

Daniel and I finally made it to the movies. Daniel asked, "What do you want to watch Kiara?"

"See Me." He nods and gets two tickets. Then he asks, "What do you want?" I pull out my money. He puts it down and away.

"No. I'm paying." I roll my eyes and smile. He gives the young woman a 25 dollars. He bought a bag of popcorn, two sodas and a candy for that I picked. We watched the movie. He put his arm around me and I blushed.

*After the movies*

I say, "I had fun Daniel."

"I did too." He and I hug. I look at his eyes and his lips. He does the same. I lean in and he leans in a little. Then I feel his lips connect with mine. I kiss him back wrapping my arms around his neck. He has one hand on my waist. And one on my cheek. Then he pulls me close and it turns into a make out session. I moan in his mouth lightly when he gave my butt a little Squeeze. I tug on his hair a little making him moan in my mouth. I pull away a little.

"Sorry." Then we keep kissing. "It's... Okay..." Daniel said in every kiss. When he and I finally pulled away.
He holds my hand "I'll see you at school tomorrow." I smile, "I will too." He kisses me softly again. Then he goes. I sigh and then smile. I then walk inside.

My Mother asks, "How was the date?"

"I loved it. We saw the movie See Me by my Favorite Author Nicholas Sparks. He is amazing."

"Did you and Daniel kiss?" I didn't say anything.. She says, "You did?"

"Mom I'm pretty tired. Could I go to sleep?" My Mom smiles. "Awe okay. Well... I'm glad you had fun honey."

I go upstairs and call Kacey. She answered, "Sup Hoe."

"I'm not a hoe. I haven't even slept with someone yet." She laughs. "What are you doing calling me at 10 at night?"

"I went on a date." She squeals and screams into the phone. "WHO WAS IT?!"


"Daniel James Blake took you out on a date!?"

"And payed for it all yes."

"Oh my god. I heard from the last girl he dated. She always had to pay for them. Him paying for you. Wow. When did Daniel James Blake ask you out on a date?"

"When I was walking home from school yesterday." She smiles into the phone.

"Did you and him kiss?"

"Yes. Kacey it felt like a million Butterflies were flying around us and that we were alone and nothing else existed."

Kacey laughs, "I don't think that boy just likes you."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember how you had a crush on Daniel since day one?"

"Yes of course. Daniel is so hot. UGHHH Everytime I would see him bite his bottom lip he turns me on."

Kacey laughs, "Well I think he really likes you or he's in love with you."

"I really doubt that."

"Well every class I have with him. I'm going to watch how many times he glanced or looks at you." I smile.

"Okayy. Whatever you feel like doing." She laughs.

"You going to have sex with him?"

"When did that pop up."

"My dirty thoughts. It happens. I'm pretty tired I'm going to head to sleep." She yawns.

"Okay Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Then I hang up. I smile and head to bed as well.

My Bully ( 4th book to Why Bully Me Series )Where stories live. Discover now