chapter 1

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Here is Chapter 1!!! I hope yall enjoy this story. Please comment and like. Also let me know for any type of mistakes throughout the book.

A dim light of the moon shone through my window as the shadows of the branches outside overcasted my walls. I layed in my bed, the cold stale air resting above. I swept my eyes across the room landing on a tall black figure hovering beside my door. It's glowing red eyes bore into mine as it spoke into my mind, "you can't run from me forever.." the looming dark figure soon towered over me.

Tears threatened to come down, goosebumps penetrated throughout my whole body. I wanted to speak my own mind but was refused against me.

Its breath wafted across my face and its claws scraped against my skin, holding me down against my own will. Blood trickled down my arms and staining my sheets. I tried to call out for help but nothing but a silent scream was made and wasn't meant to be heard.

I immediately woke up with sweat drenching my whole body and my heart racing erratically. My eyes darted around my room spotting for any danger that may occur next.

After a few sweeps, I let out a sigh of relief, nothing was there. I turned down towards my arms and the cuts that were made crucially were no where to be seen.

Fluttering my eyes close welcoming darkness to swarm me, causing me to calm down my own heart beat. Slightly cracking them back open, I looked around my room for a final sweep once more.

The suns light shone through my diaphanous curtains. Lighting up my tanned room. Taking a quick glance at my clock on the bedside table, it read six thirty.

Untangling myself from the comfort of my blankets, I stepped cautiously across my room towards the bathroom. Walking in and turned to the left were the sinks that sat happily cleaned.

Grabbing my toothbrush that was off to the side. I swiped some toothpaste onto the bristles and began making circular motions onto my teeth.

After I was done brushing my teeth. I left the bathroom and headed to the closet. Through the door inside were three other oak wooden doors on either side. One in the front facing forwards towards me and the other two one on my right and the other on my left. I decided to go in through the door to my right. Inside the door, there hang were shorts, jeans and shirts of a few types of colors and styles that I have possibly could get my hands on. Whether it was at good will or at a garage sale. To the cheapest. But to compare any other closets I've seen this was absolutely nothing.

I decided on a pair of dark blue jeans that flared out at the end and a burgundy colored long sleeved shirt that fit me perfectly. Looking down at the drawers that sat against the wall. I pressed a little button on the side and all the drawers opened up. I decided on a pair of a dark rose color undergarments and my Wednesday emoji socks.

Coming out of the room I go to the next door that sat in the middle and walked in.

There were shelves of different kinds of shoes, but too lazy to look through them all, I settle on a black and white pair of nikes.

Exiting the closet I go and take a quick shower and finished getting dressed, left my wavy dirty blonde hair down framing the sides of my sweetheart face. I walked out and around the halls turning different corners here and there. Not lasting for even two minutes.

Turning down one last hall and through a simple door into the white and blue kitchen. My mother stood at the stove sizzling bacon. The toasts were in the toaster and the eggs were sunnyside up perfectly and neatly on glass plates.

Noticing my presence, my mother stops what she's doing, turns around and looks at me. "Oh good you're up early this morning, I need to tell you something quick," I just nod as she quickly and hurriedly finished up cooking the bacon setting them on the plates, grabbing the toast and stack them on one another, she then wiped her hands on her apron and took a seat at the table. She looked a bit worried, or maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me.

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