chapter 3

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There in my room was so extravagant... it.. it was a large portrait of my mother next to a man holding a baby in their arms. Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared at it from outside the door.

Deciding to get a closer look, I walk in closing the door behind me and trudge my way closer to the portrait that magnificently hanged on the large wall.

My mother was smiling brightly, so full of life and happiness. A tear strolled down my cheek as I studied her in this portrait. She wore a sparkling white dress that fit her perfectly. She looked so youthful and full. Her blonde hair layed on her shoulder gently and soft. Her green eyes sparkled as everything was going to be perfect.

Soon enough I moved my focused towards the man. Instead of him looking forwards, he was looking straight at my mother. His dark blue eyes were softened, a grinning smile and looked at her with so much love, he has brown hair. I looked at his clothing and it resembles a bit of royalty to it. Knitting my eyebrows more, I studied him even more closely. Was he a prince? A king? Or maybe he was just a royal guard?

Disregarding my thoughts, I finally move to the baby that the man was holding. You can tell it was a girl since she was wrapped in pink. Her bright blue eyes shone brightly. Who is she? She isn't me because... I have turquoise eyes, and she has a bit of brown fuzzy hair. I have my mother's blonde.

I have so many questions. I... I don't know what to say. I can't even speak for that much! How...

Tears began pooling my eyes as I backed up into the large king sized bed, sitting on the edge of it.

See, looks like your mother doesn't care about you. She never told you who she really was and what she hid from you. No one cares...

She? She lied to me?

The voices began coming back and pulling me down as I cried harder. She never cared!!! She's a traitor!!!! You were her second and last choice.

N-No!!! She loved me! Shut up! All of you! tears streamed down my face. These voices are so torturous, they bring me down. I can't handle this. This is too much to comprehend... and... and I don't even know the full story. Or do I even want to know?

Echo!!! Listen! Do not deny who you really are, we are you. We are your other half! We could protect you! No no no, these voices are not me, they brought me down so low I can't crawl back up, so much pain. I'm down in this deep pit of despair. Everything is gone.

Echo... Don't deprive yourself, it will only get worse... Multiple voices bounced around, ringing in my ears all at one time.

I curl up in a tight ball anger enveloped my entire body. Hot boiling fire pumped through my veins. But the heat was also contrasted with ice cold sweat cooling me. I continue to cry as a single voice from all the rest was clear and comforting.

Repeat after me Echo, I am one of something greater. Nothing can bring me down. I am strong. That same voice kept repeating until I finally broke.

I am one of something greater. Nothing can bring me down. I am strong.

My tears stopped and my breathing became slow. All that was left heard was small hiccups from the crying.

There is more to it than you know, everything will be alright.

I nod my head. For the first time, this voice has spoken so kindly to me. The first time to hear this voice.

Coming back into reality. I lifted my head up and looked around the room avoiding the portrait. The walls were a burlywood color with burnt orange swirling around in strange patterns. There were lighter oranges that glowed highlighting the burnt oranges.

At the far end of the room was a door to who knows lead to where, though, I may have an idea that it may be the bathroom. Thinking over it, I probably do need to clean myself up. Mostly from all the crying and pain that's devoured me through my day.

Before heading towards the door, I continue my search looking at every nook and cranny of this room. Every detail and items that were put forth into it.

The bed, just noticing at this moment, isn't like any normal beds that I've ever encountered before. The bed was a type of king sized bed but, the four corners had tall wooden poles with many carvings into them. There were men, women and children all on them. Plus elements that encounters them into peace or destruction.

My fingers gently traced the extreme detailed poles and their history behind it, I'm guessing that is.

Furrowing my brows closer together, I spot something very familiar amongst these carvings in my examination.

Before I could get a closer look, a knocked sounded at my door. Made my way I the door. I wrapped my fingers around the cold knob and cracked it open. Noticing two maids , I assume, I let them in. Their heads bowed down into a curtsey coming in with my things clamped in their hands. "Miss, we have your things." the purple haired girl squeaked.

Confusion held over my eyes as I actually take a good look at them both. The purple haired girl that spoke had pale skin that shimmered a bit and is petite. I couldn't exactly see her eyes but I'm guessing it's possibly a royal purple color. The girl next to her had blazing bright red hair, a darker skin tone and my guess again with the eyes, a dark blue? They wore identical clothing, short black dresses that puff out on the lower half.

The purple haired girl looks up at me, her eyebrows furrowed. I was right about her eyes being a purple color. Go me!

She coughs awkwardly, "Well, my name is Veldia and this is Amoretta." Veldia gestures to red hair girl next to her. She looks up and surprisingly I was wrong about her eye color. It was a yellowish amber color.

Realizing I wasn't going to say anything. She shifts her feet "Right, we'll just leave your things on your bed." she says before else gets even more awkward.

They scurried over to it, leaving my stuff, and out the door in a matter of seconds.

Well then, I've realized it will be harder to make conversation to others from here on. Though I can't force myself to speak, I won't use my voice for that matter. I'm too weak and it's terrifying.

Dismissing those thoughts I head over to my stuff before remembering I was going to wash up. I probably looked horrible and just a complete mess in front of them. Hurriedly I just grab a pair of blue jean shorts and a white tee before heading to the supposed bathroom door.

Which redeeming myself of my guess it certainly is the bathroom. I was too stunned to even move from where I stood. This is no way a normal bathroom. Not even compared to bathrooms of mansions. It was... how could I say, unnatural?

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