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xxx. reality

Currently, Athena was dishing out the plates for lunch while Steven cooked up some spaghetti for the pair

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Currently, Athena was dishing out the plates for lunch while Steven cooked up some spaghetti for the pair. Steven demanded that they had spaghetti every Wednesday to honour Hershel Greene, which Athena had burst out laughing at, seeing as Steven had then attempted to do an impression of Hershel saying the iconic line "Spaghetti Tuesdays, every Wednesday" which he failed miserably at.

Steven was a huge goofball, and that had been apparent to Athena when she had first lay her eyes on him. When she first met him, she first thought that he was a big ball of awkwardness, goof, kindness and good looks. However, now, he was a lot more than that. Words couldn't describe how amazing the Korean male was, and how many different layers there was to him. But, Athena loved that about him. He wasn't average. He wasn't normal. He wasn't everybody else. He was him. He was Steven Yeun - the man whom she had fell in love with, without even realising it until a few months ago.

Athena tilted her head back to look into the kitchen, having to restrain her laughter once she saw Steven wearing an obnoxiously bright pink, glittery apron with the words 'sad but rad, then again, i'm hella fab' printed on it. Steven turned to face the female, a grin plastered over his face when he noticed that she was attempting not to laugh at his ridiculous choice of clothing.

Steven would purposely do things to make Athena laugh. Heck, he would climb the tallest mountain in existence if it meant that Athena would smile. To him, Athena's smile was the entire world. It captivated him in ways that many other things would not. It lit something inside of him, and whatever it lit, it felt amazing.

"Why the heck are you wearing that apron?" Athena questioned, a large smile gracing her features as she shook her head and placed a hand on her hip, "Actually, scrap that. Where did you even get that apron?"

Steven chuckled, doing a small twirl in the apron, "You got a problem with my apron, Athena?"

"Oh my days." Athena muttered, attempting to restrain her laughter but miserably failing as she burst out in laughter, "Please, get that damn apron off you before I laugh myself to death!"

Steven let out a small groan, "Do I have to? Personally, I believe that this apron is hella snazzy."

At that, Athena cringed and shook her head, "Never, ever, ever, say the word 'snazzy' again."

"Snazzy." Steven repeated the word, causing Athena to groan and slam her head against the wall, "Don't do that! You'll hurt yourself!" The male instructed her with concern laced in his voice as he approached the female and pulled her away from the wall, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I'd rather hurt myself than see you in that hideous apron. I swear to god, Steven." Athena giggled, wrapping her arms around Steven's neck as he kissed her forehead gently - where she banged her head.

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