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FORTY-TWO | interview

FORTY-TWO | interview

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Last time we spoke to her, she had only left us with some unanswered questions, so she has now returned once again! You probably know her as Alexis Greene or "The Apocalyptic Goddess" from AMC'S 'The Walking Dead'. However, as we discovered last time, there is a lot more to Athena Leigh Anders than walkers. So, with that being said, please welcome the one and only, Athena Anders!

Hey! It's great to be back here! It brings back a lot of memories.

I'm so happy to have you back here! We've missed you!

Aww! Thank you! I'm happy to be here!

Now, last time you left us with a lot of unanswered questions which caused the media to literally blow up. But, before we get into that, can we speak about your family? Nobody has ever really seen them before and a few people are wondering.

My family tend to stay away from my life as an actress because they can't deal with the paparazzi and the fans. They'd prefer to stay away from social media, really. However, they support everything I'm doing and they do actually exist! [Laughs slightly]

So, when do you visit your family? How does that work?

I try to visit them as much as possible - they're family, y'know. However, my family live in London, while my job and my friends are here. That obviously puts restrictions on when I can speak to my family. Although, when I'm not busy, I do Skype call them and we chat for a while.

Speaking of your job, The Walking Dead, what are the cast members like? Is there a mother and father of the group?

I'd like to start by saying that everyone on The Walking Dead is truly amazing, and that goes for anybody from the beginning series to this series. Everyone is so kind, friendly, and simply just amazing. We all love each other and we all joke with each other. Now, regarding your question about the mother and father of the group, that's quite hard, actually. I'd have to say that Melissa [McBride] is the mother of the group. But, she's not a strict mom - she's a fun mom who wants to know all about the new relationships and parties that are happening. The father of the group would definitely be Andrew [Lincoln], without a doubt. He's like the father who doesn't know how to work technology. He doesn't even know how to use an IPhone!

[Laughs] From what we can gather, you and your co-workers are extremely close. My personal favourite friendship you have is the one with Abigail Porter - your former co-worker.

Abi is a really, really unique person, and heck, I love her to pieces. I don't think that you could ever find somebody like Abi, ever. I don't think that you could ever find somebody as carefree and hilarious as she is. She is my best friend - my partner in crime, y'know. We laugh together and we cry together.

Some other friendships which fans love are the ones between you and Norman Reedus, as well as the friendship you have with Chandler Riggs. Also, we couldn't leave out your friendship with Lauren Cohan.

I should probably apologise to Norman in advance. I'm going to ruin his reputation but oh well. Norman is like my older brother - he really is. He's hilarious. He's caring. He's sweet. There has been numerous times on set where we'd have to redo a scene because Norman would make me burst out laughing in some way, whether it'd be him pulling a silly face at me or him just being himself. Chandler, on the other hand, is one of the youngest cast members in the show. Honestly, don't tell him I said this, but he's an adorable small bean. When I first met him, he was like one of Santa's little helpers and he was so small, though he had so much confidence for somebody his age. He truly is an inspiration. Lauren [Laughs] - Steven [Yeun] is going to hate me for saying this - is my wife. Honestly, she's so funny and she's a great person to know in real life. Whenever I plan something, Lauren is always involved. Since we are sisters on the show, she's like my sister off-screen as well.

Speaking of Steven...

[Leans back in her seat and laughs] I already know where this is going.

What's going on between you two?

[Smiles] We're dating.

Is that all we get?! Come on! We need some details! So, when you spoke about your mystery man last time, was it Steven Yeun?

I can confirm that my mystery man was indeed Steven Yeun. [Laughs] That interview seems like a few days ago, but heck, everything that has happened between Steven and I since makes it seem like years ago. There has always been a bond between us - always. However, none of us realised it until a few months ago, and then something just blossomed, I suppose.

What's he like? Is he a good boyfriend? Is he caring?

He's probably the definition of perfect. He's always looking out for me and whenever somebody says a negative comment about me, he always supports me and tells me that I shouldn't be bothered by it. It's hard not to love him, really.

Well, I'm glad that Stathena is finally canon after seven years!

You're not the only one!

Now, how's your music career going? I've listened to a few of your songs that you've released - Shadows, Change and Extraordinary - and may I just say that they're amazing!

Thank you! Music is something that I've always been passionate about, and it's something I've always dreamed of doing. Music is such a powerful tool that sometimes we take for granted. To think that I'll soon be releasing an album is beyond my imagination.

Now, you posted on twitter that you could announce the album name, but you didn't really want to at that time. When are you going to release the name of your album?

I don't know that myself, actually. I'm just going with the flow and when I feel like it's time to announce it, then I'll announce it. This album is about who I am, and my emotions and my feelings. All the songs - everything - have been wrote by me. So, I feel as though the correct thing to do would to be release the name of the album when I feel like it's the right time.

Well, speaking of time, we have unfortunately ran out! It's been a pleasure to speak to you again, Athena, and this time we've left with more answers than questions!

[Laughs] Thank you for having me!

You can catch Athena Leigh Anders portraying her character Alexis Greene on AMC'S The Walking Dead tomorrow!

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