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Lena anxiously tapped her pen against her desk as she stared at the big steel doors of her office. She had another interview with a certain blonde today about some new technology that L-Corp was developing; some gadget to use as self defense against aliens who attack. Might stir a lot of conflict between pro-alien activists and non-alien activists but it was worth exploring.

Why was she so nervous? It was only Kara. They were friends anyway, nothing to worry about. Except how captivating her smile was, or how adorable she was when adjusting her glasses because she's flustered.. Why was she thinking like that? Kara and her are just friends. She hasn't had friends in a while. Just needs to readjust to it, that's all. Never mind it.

A small knock sounded on the other side of her office doors, shortly after they slowly creaked open revealing her favorite little blonde reporter; Kara Danvers. Lena tried to retain a straight face but she broke into a smile as Kara walked in immediately pushing her glasses up and grinning at the ground. She looked pretty today, dressed in a peach colored pencil skirt, a flower patterned blouse with a light pink cardigan and her hair up like always.

"Hello again, Ms. Danvers." She greeted trying not to sound too happy, but ultimately failing.

"Lena, you're calling me Kara remember?" The blonde outstretched her hand as she came up to Lena's desk laughing.

"Of course. So, what questions do you have for me?" She asked as she gladly took Kara's hand, sending jolts of electricity through her body. She grinned again as Kara discreetly bit her lip and stared too long at the CEO.

"Huh? Oh, right. The questions. Because, we're here for the questions. Because, I'm a reporter now! Ha, yeah. Um.. Questions." The Kryptonian rambled very flustered since she was caught admiring Lena. The Luthor simply laughed, not really at Kara but because it was adorable how awkward she could be.

After opening to a blank page in her note pad and pulling out a pen, Kara began to speak. "So, first off, what inspired the idea for this device of defense against aliens?"

"Well, I've come to notice that much crime does happen here in National City, and we can't all have a button that calls for Supergirl, so I figured why not have something that helps us defend ourselves if needed." She answered confidently.

Kara scribbled away in her notebook, before asking her next question. "Okay, how does it work? Is it going to work against every alien species someone may encounter on the street or only for certain ones?"

"Well, um.. Keeping it between us Kara, I haven't quite figured that part out yet." Lena admitted shyly letting out a nervous laugh.

"Oh, okay. We'll figure out another question then and hope people don't realize we skipped that. Um, do you think this will cause a lot of conflict?" Lena didn't hear the question as for she was lost just staring at the blonde reporter. Looking so professional and cute, and being so kind.

"Lena?" Kara's voice pulled her from her trance causing her to blush and look down at her suddenly very intriguing hands.

"Um, my apologies. Could you repeat the question?" She asked timidly.

Kara laughed slightly and smiled at the beautiful woman before her. Was she staring? No, must be something else. "I asked, do you think this device would cause a lot of conflict?"

Lena bit her lip and thought for a moment, which suddenly made Kara feel very weird. The secret hero wondered what it'd be like to kiss her for a moment before shaking her head slightly and scolding herself. This was her friend. And she didn't like her like that. At all.

"Possibly. Unfortunately, I may be accused of creating a weapon in spite of extraterrestrial kind, probably considering my last name. Or people could use it for the wrong reasons, and hurt innocents. Do believe me when I say I see the flaws within this product, but I also believe it could prove useful. It's practically everyday this city faces something troublesome, and while I have no powers like the amazing Supergirl, I have some power which I intend to use to help in anyway I can." Lena answered with certainty. She hoped that even given her damaged reputation, she could salvage herself and make something for the better, do better. Kara continued to scribble away in the notepad, her brows knit together in concentration.

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