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'Any dude with hair that long and well kept has to be gay.' Thomas thought as he watched Alex braided TJ's hair. 'Why the hell do I care about a god damn homo.' He thought remembering his main point of interest and turning his sights back towards the teachers. Even so out of the corner of his eye he couldn't help but glance over at TJ every once in awhile.

"So tonight we still on for dinner?" Hanji asked with a grin that stretched ear to ear.

Eren giggled and nodded, "of course," He said reassuring her for the hundredth time.

"Yay," She cheered before looking back to Levi. "You're gonna miss out." She said teasingly.

"I already told you that tomorrow night I'll join you guys for dinner," Levi said with an eye roll.

"Whatever, your loss," Hanji murmured.

"Are they always like this?" Alex asked Eren.

"You don't even know the half of it." He giggled. When he turned back to the two of them the had changed the subject and started arguing about something.

"Eat shit," Levi said frustrated at Hanji's teasing.

"You first short stack," She replied straight back.

"I feel like I missed something, what are you fighting about?" Eren asked trying to get between the two's bickering without getting his head ripped off.

"He called me annoying." Hanji pouted.

"And she told me she was going to mess up my classroom." Levi glared at her.

"You two are hopeless." Eren laughed rolling his eyes, "I'm going to enjoy lunch with more mature people," Eren said turning his chair around. "So how is your day?" He asked TJ and Alex to make a point.

The kids let out their giggles. "Pretty good how is yours?" Alex asked.'

"Going good so far." Eren smiled, "how about you TJ?" He asked.

"I mean it's been alright," TJ said a bit nervous but with a smile.

'What the hell?' Thomas thought, TJ actually has emotion?" He asked himself seeing the first real expression pop on the withdrawn kids face.

Hanji and Levi's stupid playful bickering had drawn everyone's attention back to them. Hanji had stood up and was holding Levi's phone up high so he couldn't reach it.

"Hanji I swear I will punch you in your stupid face." Levi threatened standing up.

"Can you even reach it?" She asked with a smirk.

That seemed to do it. At least Hanji was smart enough to know it was time to run. "Get back here shitty glasses," Levi yelled at her as he ran at her.

"Eren save me," She said hiding behind him and the two kids.

"What the hell are you guys fighting about now," Erwin asked as he laughed in the doorway.

"She stole my phone," Levi said angrily.

"I swear you guys are as bad as the freshmen," Erwin sighed before walking in. "Hanji give him his phone back, Levi I told you no murdering Hanji while school is in session, that can wait till after school," Erwin said walking up to the two and settling the problem.

"Thanks, Erwin, I swear I thought I was going to get caught in the crossfire," Eren said with a sigh of relief.

"No biggie," he laughed patting Eren's head, "keep these two out of trouble will ya," Erwin requested before having to head back out to do his normal rounds. He made sure to ask the students how their day was going before he left.

The second Erwin left the room Levi slugged Hanji on her arm. It wasn't hard enough to hurt her just enough to get his point across.

'These teachers are insane.' Thomas thought watching as their pathetic little argument escalated. They were like overgrown children and it was almost as if Erwin was the parent and Eren the older sibling who didn't know how to stop the younger two from fighting.

Levi plopped back down in his chair, " You're lucky Eyebrows saved your ass again," Levi muttered.

Hanji just let a smug smile play on her lips knowing that she got away with it.

"You both are so childish," Eren laughed. His attention had shifted back to Levi who had let out an involuntary shaky sigh. He knew something was still wrong, but he couldn't quite ask him just yet he had to wait until they got home.

He knew Hanji had seen it as well with all the looks she had been giving him throughout lunch. Interrogating Eren with her eyes to get the truth. She cared for both of them like they were her siblings and nothing slipped past her. Each time she glanced over at him he would give her a look that would say 'I already know,' but that wasn't enough she wanted to make sure Levi was okay, what he was going through.

Hanji had managed to brighten Levi's mood a little bit with her fun teasing and frivolous games. When he got like this it helped him to be around his friends and to have a bit of normality in his life. But right now his emotions seemed to be taking over, they were getting harder to fight off and anyone with a pair of eyes could see that.

Eren snaked his hand across the table and grabbed Levi's hand. He could tell Levi was struggling to hold back all of his emotions in this moment. He had been holding them back for who know's how long. The bottle he shoves all of his emotions in was about to explode already slightly cracking and leaking.

Levi looked at Eren as he was torn from another one of his daydreams as he felt his lover's gentle hand over his shaky one. He stared into Eren's eyes as he felt the emotions wave over him.

He laid his head on the desk covering his face with his arms needing to calm his mind and clear away the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes right then and there.

"Mr. Rivaille?" Alex whispered before her brother lightly nudged her arm to let her know to leave him be. Alex nodded but they both kept on with their worried glances.

'What just happened?' Thomas asked himself seeing Mr. Rivaille put his head down as Mr. Jaeger held his hand.

Eren got up from where he sat and walked around to the other side of the table and wrapped his arm around Levi rubbing his back as he leaned in and whispered something.

 Hanji had moved places too. She was sitting on his desk blocking most of the kid's view of Levi in order to give him some privacy. She placed her hand on his shoulder and rubbed her thumb in small little circles to do her best to comfort him.

"Do you want me to go get Erwin, I'm sure he will take over for your next class?" Eren asked whispering into Levi's ear as he felt Levi tremble.

Levi shook his head, "No, it will pass." He whispered as he slightly leaned into Eren's loving arms.

'Wait a minute.' Thomas thought rethinking every angle. 'During never have I ever when I asked if anyone was gay Mr. Rivaille stopped me. Also when I called TJ a fag Mr. Rivaille had silenced me.' Thomas said piecing together the last parts of the puzzle. 'Mr. Rivaille is gay, and so is Mr. Jaeger. THEY ARE TOGETHER.'  

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