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Eren waited for a little while before "waking up" after Levi fell asleep. When he was sure that Levi was sound asleep he slipped out from Levi's arm that was loosely draped over his waist. Eren moved slowly to make sure Levi stayed sleeping.

He had decided to get a head start on packing since he knew if he left all of it for tomorrow he might not finish in time. He walked into his studio and looked around the room for the panda which is where he had it earlier. He found it sitting in the corner of the room. He leaned over and picked it up he gave it a tight hug before walking over and placing it on top of the newest painting which was mostly dry by now.

"Sorry little buddy," Eren whispered, "it would be too painful if I took you with me," he said as a tear slipped down his cheek. He took one last look at the room thinking how tomorrow will be the last time these walls had color on them. He looked at the beautiful work that he had dedicated so much time to and sighed knowing that after tomorrow it will be a black empty and lifeless wall. He shut off the light before making his way to the guest bedroom.

This room was hardly ever used and the only time Eren ever really went in there was when he was talking to Levi while he was cleaning the room. He remembered all those years ago when this was supposed to be his room, how he had put his stuff in it. He remembered how he had gone straight to sleeping in the same bed as Levi and totally passed up the guest bedroom.

Eren sighed and went into the closet to grab both of his suitcases that had been stored in there. He pulled them out and set them on the bed. "Are they big enough?" Eren thought before realizing he didn't own much besides his clothing, paint supplies, and a few pictures. Everything else was Levi's, and some of his stuff he couldn't even take with him because they just reminded him of Levi to much to bare. The pain wasn't worth it.

Eren had snuck back into the room and decided it would make to much noise to unpack anything from in there. Levi wasn't the lightest sleeper, but he would definitely wake up if he tried that.

Eren decided that it was just best to pack his art supplies and photos. He left the supplies that Levi had bought for him and only grabbed the supplies he had paid for. He took the few paintings that wouldn't cause him pain to look at. He left the angel one and broken heart one sitting out so that Levi could see them. So he would know. He also left behind a few warm up paintings that he did a little while back which were a painting of him and Levi and a painting of the two stuffed pandas.  As for the pictures he had left the ones of Levi and him or the ones he had of just Levi. He left a note on the isle in front of the painting of the hands and a broken heart. 

He took one look at the paintings and pictures and closed his eyes looking away quickly knowing that those would be two painful to look at ever again. When he finished packing up his art supplies and photos in one suitcase which could fit only a few more items he left the suitcase sit there before going back into the bedroom.

When Eren walked in Levi had started to stir in his sleep before Eren's eyes were met with his grayish blue eyes. "Eren?" Levi asked still in a daze of sleep. "Where are you going?"

"I was just going to the bathroom," Eren whispered back crawling back into bed. "Go back to sleep," he said before watching Levi nod with a yawn and lay his head back down. He had fallen back to sleep within seconds and Eren let out a mental sigh of relief that Levi hadn't woken up sooner.

Eren found that sleep was damn near impossible. Just when his eyes would start to feel heavy and close his mind would instantly make up another scenario of something going wrong tomorrow, or later that day since it had gotten so late.

Levi woke up and found Eren was still sleeping. He went to wake him up but saw the bags under his eyes and the tangles that were in his hair from tossing and turning all night long and he thought it best he let him sleep in.

When Eren woke up he was a little confused, partly because he didn't even remember falling asleep in the first place. He looked around and saw that Levi wasn't in bed or in the bathroom or closet, he wasn't in the room at all. Eren reached for his phone to check the time and nearly jumped out of the bed to run down the stairs. "I overslept!" He yelled.

Eren ran down the stairs to look for Levi who he knew wouldn't be here at this time, but he wasn't thinking straight because his mind was still hazy from sleep.

When Eren made it down the stairs all he kept wondering was why Levi didn't wake him up, or why his alarm on his phone was silenced. When he made it downstairs he saw a note on the table and some of his stress disappeared.

"Don't freak out about oversleeping or anything, you looked like you needed the sleep so I let Erwin know you wouldn't be coming in today. Also, I left you some food in the fridge for breakfast and lunch. Feel better soon, love Levi."

Eren read the note and collapsed in the chair for a second. He took a breather and then decided he needed to get to work. It was already lunch period at the school and if he didn't hurry he wouldn't finish packing in time. He wanted to be finished packing by the time Levi got off of work. 'Tonight I will paint over the walls and tomorrow when Levi wakes up he will be waking up to an empty house.' Eren thought thinking over what he would have to do in a short amount of time.

He brought the suitcases into the bedroom and began putting his clothes in them and his bathroom supplies. He was determined to finish this before Levi got home no matter what.

Levi watched as TJ nervously approached him at lunch time. Thomas and Alex had stayed behind at the table but they were listening in closely. "Mr. Rivaille?" He asked politely after Hanji had stopped talking.

"Yes?" He asked focusing his attention on the student in front of him.

"Is Mr. Jae- Eren okay?" He asked worried about his teacher, more of his friend that had been absent for the past two days and before that was acting a little strange.

"Eren is just fine, he's at home sleeping. He looked tired so I left him at home. He was feeling a little sick yesterday he said, but he should be fine when he comes back on Monday," Levi said with a smile.

TJ nodded and thanked Levi. He apologized for getting into their business which Levi quickly told him no need to apologize. TJ took his seat back next to his sister and his boyfriend who had listened in and were just as happy with Levi's answers as TJ was.

"I guess he really is okay," TJ said to them. Hi voice seemed a little unsure though. He still had this nagging feeling in his mind that something was wrong. He knew he shouldn't but he shrugged away the bad feeling that was building up inside of him. Whenever he had a bad feeling, there usually was a reason behind it, but he was wondering if this was one of the few times he was wrong.

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