After School

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They had decided for class today to that they would let them do whatever they wanted while they played the rest of the movie that they had put on last class. The students were mostly quiet and Thomas, TJ, and Alex had moved to the front of the room to sit with the teachers. Alex was sitting and watching the movie from the laptop behind the teacher's desk rather than the projector. Thomas and TJ were laying on the floor using their backpacks as pillows. They had thrown a jacket over them and scooted close together. The lights were off so it was easy for them to sneak around without the other kids really noticing. Levi and Eren were sitting off to the side of the desk but still behind it enough so that their hands that were laced together were hidden behind it.

The room stayed quiet aside from the movie and a few giggles and whispers. 'Oh how easy it is to work with kids if you could just play movies the whole time,' Levi thought.

Eren scooted closer to Levi and placed his hand on his thigh.

"Eren," Levi warned looking at all the kids.

"Oh hush," Eren giggled, "I'm not going to do anything dirty," Eren whispered, "You just have really nice thighs," he said.

Levi smiled and shook his head slightly rolling his eyes. "You're so weird," Levi mumbled.

"I know," Eren giggled.

The movie had ended just a few minutes before the bell so the teachers, who by now had scooted away from each other had turned on the lights and told the students to just talk amongst themselves for the rest of the time. Thomas and TJ had gotten up off the floor and let go of each other's hands. They took a seat at the front of the room and listened as Alex already started talking to the teachers.

"Look at this picture," she had said and she pulled up a picture of someone on her phone, "tell me he doesn't look attractive," she said almost as a dare.

"You're right he is hot," Eren whispered with a smile before looking back at Levi who had a raised eyebrow as if to say really, I'm right here. Eren just smiled and shrugged. "Hey look at that picture can you blame me?" Eren asked.

Levi sighed rolling his eyes before looking at the picture. "Actually you guys are right he is rather attractive," Levi said looking at the picture. "Then again I might just have a thing for people who have longer brown hair," Levi said smiling and looking at Eren who let a little blush slip onto his face.

"You do have a type," Eren commented.

"He's 25, he can sing, he can dance, he's in theater and has even done some movies, and I am in love with him," Alex said with a huge smile that lit up her face.

"Love? He is way too old for you," Levi said raising his eyebrow as if he were a parent.

"I mean it's not like I'm actually going to ever meet him," she sighed, "but a girl can dream," she laughed.

"Dream of people more your age," Levi laughed, "or don't dream of relationships at all," he shrugged.

Eren elbowed him and Levi looked at him, "What?" He asked.

"You're acting like her parent... again," Eren said raising his eyebrow, "I mean she probably thinks it's annoying," Eren mumbled.

"Actually I think it's sweet," she smiled, "It means he cares," she said. 'At least someone does,' she thought.

"You have been fangirling over him for almost a week," TJ said butting in rolling his eyes.

"Your point?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"You think this obsession would have faded by now," he sighed.

"Oh no, obsessions don't fade. They just get worse as time goes on," she said laughing.

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