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Jean, Erwin, and Hanji had disappeared into the kitchen to talk about the bachelor parties while Eren and Levi sat with the kids in the front room waiting to be called into the big kids' table.

"So is that what we want to do?" Jean asked in a whisper.

"Well it's the only thing that makes sense," Hanji shrugged.

"It's decided then," Erwin announced standing up. "Eren, Levi, come here," he called.

"Has the jury reached its verdict," Levi asked collapsing back in a chair unamused about this whole ordeal. Eren seemed even less amused than Levi. They looked as if they were two kids getting scolded by their parents.

"Well since you both have the same group of friends and it's on the same night, and you two never want to leave each other's sides we came up with a compromise," Jean said.

"Which is?" Eren asked sitting up in his chair a little.

"Conjoin your bachelor parties. We all go out together," Erwin smiled.

Levi and Eren looked at each other thinking it over, and it seemed better than the alternative. Finally, after a little thought and some wordless discussion, they both gave a nod.

"This is going to be great," Hanji said excitedly.

 "We called everyone weeks ago and told them to take tomorrow off," Jean said.

"Who is everyone?" Eren asked.

"Nope," Hanji smiled wagging her finger, "that's part of the surprise," she giggled.

"Can we at least know where we are going?" Levi asked.

"Nope," Hanji giggled again. "Also part of the surprise," she grinned madly.

"For fuck's sake," Levi groaned.

"Language!" Alex yelled from the other room as they hear TJ giggle.

"Sorry," he yelled back to her before shooting a glare at Hanji. "We better not be hungover for the wedding," Levi said pointing a finger at all of them.

"The weddings not until late afternoon," Hanji shrugged.

"I guess I didn't make myself clear so let me say it again, we better not be hungover for the wedding," he said louder.

"Don't test him Hanji he means business when he raises his voice," Alex said poking her head in the doorway.

"Yeah, the only other time we hear him raise his voice like this is when he yells 'Eren don't you dare get paint on that goddamn couch,'" TJ said before bursting into laughter. All eyes turned to Levi and Eren.

"Sometimes I forget to change into clean clothes before coming downstairs," Eren shrugged with an awkward laugh.

"I hate getting stains out of my couch," Levi raised an eyebrow, "nothing wrong with liking a clean couch," he shrugged.

"Bet that's not the only kind of stains you've washed out of the couch," Hanji mumbled. TJ's face went red and he disappeared back into the living room deciding he didn't want to join into the conversation anymore.

"The fuck did you just say?" Levi asked standing up.

"Language," Alex said again having fun with one of their new house rules which was to call anyone out on cursing. They haven't been doing it as much as they liked, but the kids are just now taking a liking to the idea. Mostly only using it against Levi and Eren, but not on each other.

"Sorry," he apologized to her again before directing his anger back at Hanji.

"What the hell did you just say?" He asked again with a growl.

"Language," Eren said.

"Hell isn't a curse word," Levi said turning his head to Eren.

"It can be," Eren shrugged, "guess it depends on how you use it?"

"Yeah I guess because it's different when you- I'm getting off track," Levi groaned, "Hanji what did you say?" He said walking over towards her as she began to back away.

"Oh look at the time," she said checking her nonexistent watch with an awkward laugh, "I have to get home," She said before turning on her heels and making a run for the door.

"Both of you hold it," Eren called making them both stop in their tracks. "We are adults, can we at least act like it," Eren asked raising an eyebrow.

"You want us to be adults, we can be adults," Levi said calmly with a widening grin as he scooted towards Hanji a little.

"No, Levi," Eren said basically reading his mind, "You aren't going to deck her and yell something like mortgage," Eren sighed knowing their sneaky tactics to harass each other.

"Goddammit," Levi groaned.

"Language," Eren, TJ, and Alex all said before laughing slightly.

They all sat back down and Alex joined them they eventually got TJ to come back in the room and they all discussed how the wedding was going to go.

"So tomorrow is the rehearsal," Eren explained knowing that they would have to go through everything so they could see what they were doing for the actual wedding.

"Also the bachelor party," Hanji chimed in.

"Zip it you," Levi grumbled at her.

"Someone's being a sour-puss just because I enquired that two-" Hanji was cut off.

"Not in front of the twins," Erwin whispered to her.

"Oh, who cares," Hanji shrugged, "I mean it's pretty obvious that two men who are about to be married would have sex from time to time. It doesn't take a mathematician to put 2 and 2 together," She shrugged.

TJ started to stand back up to head out of the room but Alex pulled him back down in his chair. "If I have to sit through this, then so do you," Alex whispered to him.

"Hanji just shut the fuck up already," Levi said annoyed and a bit embarrassed.

"Language," Alex mumbled quietly, not really wanting her voice to be heard. Levi nodded at her acknowledging his mistake. He always did have more patience when it came to the twin than with Hanji

"What?" Hanji said, "I mean come on everyone does it, Jean you and Marco are both young men who live together who are also going to get married don't you guys have sex?" She asked.

"No, no, no, you are not dragging me into this," Jean said putting up his hands.

"It's a simple question," Hanji persisted.

"Um, I don't feel comfortable answering this question in front of kids that don't seem comfortable knowing the answer," Jean said seeing the semi-mortified look on their face.

"I vote we drop this," Erwin finally spoke up, "all in favor say aye," he said.

"Aye," said everyone except Hanji.

"Ugh," She groaned, "Shit it seems I've been outvoted," she mumbled. 

"Language," Alex said. 

Eren groaned to himself before mumbling, "this no cursing rule isn't going to work."

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