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"Last time we were late she dragged TJ by the hair and locked him in a closet and me in a bathroom for 2 days and told us we were ungrateful children. Saying that were going to hell for being disobedient." Alex was able to get more of an explanation out before she panicked and stopped talking. Realizing what she was saying, and who she was saying it to. The police were still corrupt, but other things had started to improve over the years and become more trustworthy like child services. She couldn't risk her and TJ being separated.

"We have to go," TJ said standing up really fast and grabbing his and his sister stuff. "It will be worse if we anger her anymore," he said taking his breath and discarding all of his emotions, he looked so empty and lifeless and anyone with eyes could tell he was trying to be strong for his sister.

"TJ your hair," Alex said quickly before they had time to leave the room. "If she sees it like that there is no telling how angry she'll be," she reminded him pointing at his braided hair.

TJ nodded and she quickly undid the braid in a panic. If their mother were to see it she would try to cut off TJ's hair again or worse. She had previously yelled at him for it telling him that it wasn't manly enough to wear his hair like that or to have it anything but down. Since she was already mad it would push her over the edge seeing something that didn't fit in her belief of gender stereotypes.

While the students worked quickly to take his hair down Levi acted fast to try and help them. He quickly ran over to his desk and quickly wrote up a note and another piece of paper.

Before the students could run out the door he handed the note to TJ and told him to give it to their mother and that it would help.

TJ was a little skeptical and hesitant to accept it but realized, what else did he have to lose. He took the paper with a grateful nod.

Levi handed Alex a separate piece of paper with both Eren and Levi's number's on it. "You call us and let us know what happens. If you need help we will come get you." He explained to her.

She gave him a quick nod and they left running out to the car.

Thomas sat there scared and unsure of what to do. He just found out what his boyfriend might face when he got home.

"Eren sat down next to him and put his hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, they will be okay, Levi and I will do everything in our power to keep them out of harm's way," Eren said skipping all formalities with calling Levi by his last name.

Eren had already figured by their explanation of what their mother does to them that most of the abuse they faced was instead of physical it was more mental. Even so, that didn't make the situation any better abuse is abuse no matter how you look at it.

"What did the notes say?" Thomas asked hoping that if he knew what was wrote it would calm his nerves a little.

"The one for their mother states, 'Sorry to keep these two so long I was explaining the worksheet to them when they told me they had to leave. They even told me they had a strict time they had to leave by, but I insisted on finishing the problem. Sorry to keep you waiting, but they are excellent students who came to seek help on a difficult problem. If you are angry with me keeping them a little late please talk to me you can reach me at this phone number and I will try to explain what happened or can vouch for their absence. Sorry again, Mr. Rivaille.'" Levi repeated from memory. "The second one just had our phone numbers on it in case they need help.

Thomas nodded, The note sounded like the real deal and was hard to believe Levi came up with it on the spot. It sounded like it would help, but would it be enough.

"I guess I should head home too," Thomas said picking up his backpack and heading for the door.

"Well if you are willing to wait an extra five minutes for us to lock up the class I'd be happy to give you a ride home," Levi offered knowing that walking alone wasn't safe, especially when your mind is clouded by thoughts.

Thomas went to speak but closed his mouth and gave him a nod. "Thank you," he whispered.

They finished up in the class gathering their stuff and locking the room. They headed to the car. They got Thomas's address and started towards his house. The first few minutes were a boring and awkward silence. Thomas barely noticed the awkward silence that lingered in the air he was deep in thought as he happened to look out the window. His eyes were open but instead of seeing the views in front of him he was seeing TJ and how he had smiled earlier without any restraint the smile he had only seen when he was around Alex or himself. The smile that showed that he was being himself. He snapped back to reality when he finally realized there was silence or more of that the silence was broken.

Eren had put on some music making sure it wasn't too loud he plugged in his phone and played a song he thought Thomas would know. He looked back in the mirror to see that Thomas had looked up upon hearing the music. "Should I change it?" He asked turning his head to look at Thomas.

"It's a good song," Thomas replied with a thoughtful smile that thanked Eren for the distraction.

"That's good," Eren smiled back. He turned back around to look at Levi who glanced back at him.

Thomas began actually looking around at his surrounding. He looked around the car to try and analyze the area to make it more familiar to him. While looking he noticed his teacher's hands. The were sitting on the armrest interlocked. Levi's thumb occasionally moved to caress Eren's hand.

He couldn't help but smile at how in love they were. They were so comfortable with each other and it was obvious that they had been together for a long time. They were such role models to look up to. They looked like the perfect couple. Little did Thomas know what was going on between them in this moment. The secrets between the two that were being withheld from each other and the turmoil that was building up inside of Eren's mind.  

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