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Jacob's POV
I had a dream about this girl that I met on an app called Whisper. The app was meant for people who wanted to be anonymous but still talk to other people. Everyone uploaded anonymous things like secrets, people they loved, short stories and many other things. It was a great way to let all your emotions out without being targeted. I'd post something every day and one day a random girl popped up to me asking me if I was okay. We started talking more and more and soon I knew nearly everything about her. Except for the big things like her name, how she looks and where she's from. We both decided not to tell each other those 3 simple things. I don't know why, we must have thought it was more interesting not knowing who we were.

I wish I could touch you...not in that way but just feel you. Feel your face and your smile. I want to be able to say I met you.

That's what she texted me one time and I felt the same way. I never told her I loved her, but I really did. I probably thought she didn't love me so that's why I didn't mention anything about love. This all happened in summer after I finished year 8. We were only 13 but I really did have feelings for her. She knew literally everything about me and I didn't mind. I told her about school and my friends. She told me about her family and how her dad died when she was 4. I really wanted to hold her at that moment. She was so sweet and I'd send her a good morning or good night every day. Until one day, I opened the app to text her. But when I pressed on the conversation, it came up with, there doesn't seem to be an account on here named 'unhappy' and I immediately started panicking. I tried finding her account again but it was impossible. She deleted it. She left. She left me.

That's when I stopped doing everything. I stopped trying. I stopped my emotions from taking over me because I cried. I cried because she left me. She didn't even warn me, she just walked away as if we were nothing. I deleted the app and carried on with my life, not the same though. I started arguments for no reason with my family and my friends. I used to be a kid with light in my eyes, now I'm a mess. I never talk to my family and I stopped being friends with nearly everyone. Until Mark came to my school. That's when I started getting better. I made some new friends and I became the popular boy. I started getting into alcohol and drugs though which made me worse. I went to parties and got with girls. It made me feel powerful and the best thing was, I never got feelings for any of them. Which made me realise I don't need a girl in my life. I just need my best friend Mark. He's always been there for me.

North reminds me of her. I don't know why, but I feel a weird sensation in me when I'm around her. She reminds me of her.


I get a text from North.

North👅: Did you give me a hickey last night??


Me: Um yeah but please don't be mad at me! I'll explain what happened I'll be on the steps next to the field so meet me there in 5.

North👅: Fine.

Nice she's mad at me now. Whatever I'm not even bothered I'm just worried she'll go telling everyone and the teachers. If she does I'll get expelled.

North's POV

I'm sitting on the steps where Jacob told me to meet him and he's taking forever. I decide to just go on my phone and snap some of my old friends. I send them all selfies of me and they all reply back saying they miss me. I frown and tell them I miss them too. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Jacob. His hair is messy but cute.

"Hey," he says biting his lip and looking at his shoes.

"What happened last night?" I ask sighing.

"Well basically...." I told her everything from start to finish. All of it was true and she sat in silence until I finish.

"Oh okay, well I'm sorry about last night. It was partly my fault." She confesses.

"No! It wasn't your fault it was mine and I'm really sorry," I frown. She smiles at me showing her perfect teeth.

"Thank you for at least bringing me back safely." She says standing up and giving me a hug. I pause for a moment not knowing how to react. I slowly put my arms around her waist and we hug for what seems like ages when really it was only 3 seconds. We pull apart and she smiles loads. "You're actually quite sweet when you're not trying to get with me Sartorius," she winks. I smirk and laugh.

"Thanks I guess?" I reply.

"Well I'm gonna go now, bye!" She waves at me and walks off. I stand there for a few seconds deciding what to do.

"Hey! Do you maybe want to go on a walk with me later?" I ask realising what I had done.

"Sure, when?" She shouts.

"I'll pick you up at 6," I smile waving her off.
Authors note
Awww now you know why Jacob's a fuckboy :(
Don't worry, I think he has feelings for North ;)))))
Anyway, 2 updates in less than 24 hours! Omg!

Enya xoxo

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