Chapter 3 Victor's POV

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   Corey and I are driving back home after completing our mission. We concluded, that the back way was a faster route.  It had been nice to work with Corey again. Since, he is part of the Toma team I don't get to work with much. Corey's team and mine work in on different types of missions. The mission at Ashley Waters took a toll on me. His team and mine have worked together before, so we are good friends. Although, North and Raven are a little rough around the edges. I wasn't paying attention to the road, until Corey shouted,"Look out!".  I immediately shoved my foot on the break, but it was too late. I hit something or someone. Corey hoped out to have a look see. I came a moment after him, and yet still in shock I ran into something. As my eyes dawned on the victim, the something was a someone. I completely knocked her out. Corey crouched down closer to her. "Is she still breathing", I asked. " Yes, but I don't think she will wake up for sometime", Corey replied. I took a sigh of relief, that I hadn't killed her.  Suddenly, both our phones buzzed. We completely forgotten that their was a meeting at Nathan's. Our teams were there waiting for us, we could give them a report.  Now, we are late! " We can't just leave her here", said Corey. "I know that, but we don't have time to head to the hospital", I said. I suggested, we take her to Nathan's house so Dr. Green could look her over. We came to an agreement,and took her with us. All these questions, ran through my mind about the mysterious beautiful girl.

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