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The family looked at Keith confused and disbelieving but the looks on Keith and Lance's faces told it all. It was true.

The oldest of them all responded with,
"Lance where have you been."

"Keith said it all, we saving planets out there," Lance answered, pointing at the sky.

The man's eyes narrowed and the woman said in a calming tone of voice,
"Lance just tell the truth."

"That is the truth," Keith backed up.

JD and his twin looked at each other.

"Well, I believe them," JD said. "Why would Lance lie? His friend has no reason to either."

"Dante, please, this is a matter for the grown-ups." The woman said.

"Yes, Sophia is right. Children, please go back to the kitchen, I shouldn't have left Mateo alone." The man said.

Everyone but Sophia and JD left.

"Dante, I asked you to leave."

"Stop calling me Dante, I go by JD now, you know that! And Alejandro, there's no reason for him to lie you're bein-"

"JD stop yelling. Go take a walk." Alejandro pointed to the still opened door. JD narrowed his eyes and stormed out the door. Keith looked to Lance but he looked blankly at his shoes. Keith decided staying here was not important. Keith walked out the door with JD and closed it behind him.


Pidge's Computer Log - Day 3

May I just say, planning a battle strategy is MUCH harder than one may think. Also when fixing the heat in the castle becomes a break from it- is just sad.

The castle turned out to have a minor break in the heating system, which is perfectly understandable considering the castle is over 10,000 years old. It was tricky figuring out exactly where the break was but the rest was easy. If anything I suspect that the mice must have broken it, instead of the castle being old- but you never know I guess.

Lance and Keith's are getting major hours on earth together. What I would give to be in New York right now... Oh, actually I see that they are now in Cuba. I'm pretty sure that's where Lance said his family was, he's probably checking up on his family.

checking up on the family....

I really do miss you mom, I hope I can bring Matt and Dad back to you soon <3


Keith saw JD and his twin talking outside. His twin spotted Keith first.

"Keith?" The twin said and JD whipping around to see Keith behind him, "I'm sorry for my sister and brother. Alejandro and Sophia just want to make sure Lance is safe."

"Slow down Seb, you didn't introduce yourself," JD said. "Sorry, this is my twin brother, Sebastian. You can call him Seb." Jd looked amused at himself for that last comment.

"Noooo," Sebastian whined. "Do not call me Seb, only JD does that." JD rolled his eyes. "And it's not like I want JD to call me that or anything. It's a stupid Nickname." Sebastian muttered.

Keith smirked, "I don't know... I kinda like it."

The corners of Sebastian's mouth twitched up a bit as if he found that amusing. Keith noticed the that they both smiled similarly but they had many differences. JD's hair was fluffy-looking and wavy in front of his eyes. Sebastian's hair was pin straight and cut shorter, gelled into looking like he stuck his head out a window of a car and it stayed like that. Their style was completely different. Sebastian wore a white long sleeved shirt. The sleeves were blue and rolled up and some plain blue jeans. JD was wearing a dark trench coat and black ripped jeans.

Actually, I can back what I thought...their facial features are quite similar it's only things that they can control like style and hair were different

Keith reckoned that they would look exactly the same without all clothing and different haircuts.

Maybe trying to distinguish them from another...

"Can you prove you are going to space?"
Sebastian and DJ said at the same time. They then looked sheepishly at each other, obviously embarrassed that they spoke at the same time.

DJ coughed, clearing that air, "I believe you, I do really... but do you have anything to show for it?"

Keith smiled,
"Yea come on."

Keith jumped at the chance to show them the blue lion. Keith broke out into a run once he saw the big open field, going towards the blue lion. Sebastian kept up easily enough, and Keith could tell he had the body of an athlete. DJ on the other hand, huffed and puffed, lagging along behind them the whole way.

Keith breathed in the fresh air and smell of grass. The breeze felt cold on his face. Keith stretched his arms out while running. He felt something that no planet could replace. It like nothing else in the universe.

Keith reached the Lion and turned to look at the boys behind him. JD was a good 10 yards behind them, coat flapping behind him. Sebastian was only a few paces behind him and finished next to him.

"Uh.." Sebastian started, obviously embarrassed to ask him something. "Are you crying?"

Keith reached up to his face and felt tears roll down his cheeks. He wiped them away and said, "Oh I guess so..."

He knew the tears were not because he was sad but because he was happy.

All it takes is some fresh air and an open field these days

I am such a pussy.

"Hurry up JD, I don't want to still be here next year," Sebastian taunted.

"I. Am. Fine. Thanks for asking," JD panted.

Sebastian rolled his eyes.

Keith couldn't believe them. They were literally standing in front of the Blue Lion, sure it was surrounded by trees but even a blind person could sense there was something huge next to them.
"Hey are you two blind or are you going to look at Lance's Ship or lion..whatever."

Keith was almost jealous of their relationship though. Bickering to no end wasn't really what he wanted but ignoring what was around them just to pay attention to each other... well that sounded like heaven. He wondered what siblings were really like. Would he love it? Hate it? Probably a combination of both. He thought of Shiro as a bit of his brother in a way. Though Shiro and him didn't have that type of relationship.

"What do you me- Woah," Sebastian finally stopped making fun of his brother.

"Woah," JD added.

Towering above the boys was a blue and white lion.

"Is this proof enough?" Keith asked.

Both boys nodded furiously without taking their eyes off the lion, as if it may disappear if they were to look away.


I had 2 hours where I just sat down and wrote this (and next chapter) I was thinking they may leave earth soon but I might change my plan depending on how I write the next chapters. Any thoughts?

I love comments so anything (even constructive criticism) is welcome!
Voting is cool too 😂

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