end of our journey

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Hey guys... so as you might know, I'm currently in Puerto Rico and it's gorgeous here. But I'm sick.... so I have more time to write! Yay *sarcasm*.
Anyways this chapter is it. It's short but sweet and you'll get what I mean when you read it

"Dead?" Keith's fists clenched.

Everything Keith felt was dead in water and Lance is the one that shot it. The blue paladin shot his heart with ice.

Lance stood there furious. The red paladin had mixed his blood with fire.

Lance could feel the connection they had made fading. He had spilled gasoline on that bridge. Keith was the one that had thrown the match.

There's nothing they could do to ever fix something that was already poisoned.

"It's hilarious that you think I'd be dead. Can't you see behind the veil of fake happiness you've made yourself? I'm still alive right now. I'm here because I am one of the best pilots around, not put on a waiting list waiting for someone to be kicked out."

"You see? This is why you ever kicked out of the garrison. You are arrogant and can't see yourself. You're throwing your life away when you run into battle Keith. You have people that care for you and you don't see it. You say I wear a veil but you are blind!"

"You know Lance? I don't get it," Keith relaxed. "Why do you even care?"

"Well, well...." Lance nervously stood there.

Is he really this big of an idiot?

"We are a team. And a good one at that."

Keith stood there staring at Lance in silence.

Lance continued,
"Why do I want someone that I care for and depend on, hurt? Whether you like it or not, I'll be your family. I'm going to look out for you and I hope you do the same for me."

Keith blinked at the word family and started to trudge back up the hill.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lance asked.

Keith turned his head around and suddenly looked much more tired. He looked like he hadn't gotten sleep in weeks and his eyelids were weak.


Where is home for Keith? That house in the middle of nowhere? His foster family's house? Maybe my house? The garri-

And then it clicked. Keith smiled weakly as the realization dawned on Lance's face.

"Well? Are you coming?"

Lance nodded and Keith waved him up to walk next to him. He let Lance catch up and started to walk side by side. He reached out his hand to Keith, not grabbing his, just offering it. Keith took his hand away and Lance felt a ping of sadness.

Just second later he felt a hand in his and looked over to see Keith took off his leather glove and was currently pocketing it in silence.


The walk was silent. It was a comfortable silence on Keith's part but Lance desperately wanted to talk, but he saw the way Keith was and accepted it.

The blue was waiting patiently. They got in and worm holed to the castle. Their home.

Keith and Lance knew that they had to start fresh. They couldn't have a relationship built on that they were rivals. They were once just classmates and were teammates now. They couldn't hold grudges. What was the point? They hand to work together.

They both felt it. The connection to form Voltron.

It hit Hunk, Pidge, and Shiro like a wave. Coran and Allura were confused and worried at first until Shiro smiled. Hunk and Pidge fist bumped and laughed because their plan worked.

Now Allura and Coran were even more confused but less worried and all Shiro had to say was, "I told you Keith, patience yields focus."

The patience to realize and focus on that they had to work together for the good of the universe.
The connection with the lions was made long ago, but the connection between the paladins was just as important.

Of everything.
They knew each other now.
There was no point in fighting it.
And Keith, he was ready.
And Lance, he was ready.

And that's why when Lance stood up from the Blue Paladins chair, Keith pulled Lance into a soft kiss.

A kiss that Lance and Keith would agree, was worth waiting for.

The bracelets that they thought would haunt them for a week, fell off early.

In reality, it was just a five days but it stretched in their minds to something else.

Thousands of feelings packed into one week. They felt it all. Rejection, Fear, Loss, Embarrassment. But also Acceptance, Comfort, Gain and Love 

The only question left was,
How did it take so long to figure it out?
Technically the week finished short with two days faster than anticipated.
But to Keith and Lance, it was a week too long.

And they would spend their time more wisely before the Voltron Team got back.


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