Chapter 1: Captured

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Pulling at the chain on his wrist, Blade tried to squeeze his hand through. He grunted in pain. Every bone in his hand felt like it was going to be crushed. Just when he thought he would have to stop, his hand slipped through the metal links. Blade massaged his aching palm and fingers for a moment. Quietly, he rose to his feet and looked around. There were no windows in the sterile room with medical equipment; only a wooden staircase on one side of the room. Climbing up the steps, Blade pulled at the door handle. He expected it to be locked, but the door swung open with a loud creak. Blade winced at the noise. Another door opened and shut somewhere nearby, and Blade knew he would be discovered soon.

Running through a room furnished comfortably with deep couches and mahogany furniture, Blade flung open the front door and took off into the forest. He could hear shouting behind him coming from the cabin. The night air was cool, and a chilly wind whipped back his dark brown hair. Blade stumbled and fell onto the ground. The dry leaves crackled underneath his body. Pushing himself back up, Blade kept running. He couldn't tell what direction he was heading in, but eventually he was bound to hit the road. The moon's bright beams shone down through the trees casting strange shadows on the ground.

Blade panted heavily as he clawed his way up an incline. He had to get to safety because his family needed him. His little sister with big, blue eyes was celebrating her fourteenth birthday in a week. With one last heave, Blade pulled himself over the top of the hill and stood up. He had reached a road at last. Yellow headlights were coming his direction. Blade waved his arms in the air to get the vehicle's attention even though the driver probably wasn't close enough to see him yet.

Suddenly, a hand reached out from behind and grabbed Blade's shoulder. The strong, sinewy grip jerked him backwards and sent him tumbling down to the bottom of the hill. Blade lay for a moment stunned, the breath knocked out of his body. His assailant leapt down and stood over him. The moonlight shone from behind him so that Blade could only see his silhouette.

"Get up," the man hissed at him.

Slowly, Blade rose to his feet and held his hands up. The man stepped closer and grabbed his arm. Blade looked down at the hand that held him. The skin was rough and appeared to be cracked into dark, solid flakes. The fingers were bony and narrow with long, curved nails. Blade looked up into the man's face. As he shifted, Blade saw a pair of bright green eyes set into a face that was definitely not human. The creature was bald with scaly skin and two slits for a nose. It began dragging him back through the forest.

"What are you? What do you want with me?" Blade demanded.

"Back home," the creature answered. "No escape this time."

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