Sneak Peek

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Hey guys, here's a sneak peek into the sequel called Feather! I've posted the first two chapters for it on my profile! Please give it a read if you've enjoyed Scales.

"Stop! Stop it! Leave her alone!"

Catalin could vaguely hear Syrenthia's shouting through a blur of pain. The yellow and blue scaly monsters stood over her. Their bright eyes appeared even larger behind their glasses. As the burning grew worse in Catalin's head, she began shaking uncontrollably. Her muscles were rigid and stiff. Closing her eyes tightly, Catalin tried to think of something, anything, to keep her mind from the agony. The taste of blood filled her mouth from where she had been biting her lip in pain. The restraints cut deeply into Catalin's wrists. Her vision began to blur. Finally, when darkness was blocking her entire sight, the reptilian doctors pressed a blue switch. The pain gradually receded and faded away.

"Well? Dr. Bender, did it work?"

Vortex's voice came from the corner of the room. He was standing next to Blade, and the two had Syrenthia chained to the wall nearby.

"We'll have to test her and see," the doctor replied.

Unfastening the restraints, the reptilians pulled Catalin up and propelled her across the room towards Vortex. She was still weak from the torture, but managed to keep her footing. Catalin swayed slightly as she looked up into Vortex and Blade's unnaturally bright eyes.

"All right, spit in your friend's face," Blade demanded.

Before she knew what she was doing, Catalin found herself standing in front of Syrenthia.

"Spit on her!" Vortex yelled. "Now!"

Closing her eyes, Catalin stood still. The fuzziness in her mind seemed to be clearing slightly. Vortex repeated his order. Shaking her head, Catalin refocused her thoughts. Most of the reptilians, including Blade and Vortex, had transformed into humanoid form to create more room in the medical basement. Quickly, Catalin lowered her head again as though she was in a trancelike state.

"What's wrong with her? Why isn't she responding?" Vortex asked Dr. Bender.

"Give it a few minutes, sir. We must observe the subject to see how long her resistance lasts."

Vortex frowned, but backed away from the small girl. He waved the doctors out of the room while Catalin meandered around the room. Every few moments, she would near Syrenthia to keep the reptilians away. Each time she walked away, Catalin tried to get nearer to the staircase. As she moved closer the last time, she shot a quick glance up. Vortex and Blade were on the opposite end of the room. Darting up the steps, Catalin yanked open the door. Just before she was able to slam it shut and lock the handle, a sinewy hand seized her shoulder.

"Going somewhere?"

Catalin whirled around and kicked out at her enemy's head. Ryker had taken a different human form of a tall man with straight black hair, and he spoke with a British accent. Only his piercing blue eyes were the same. He leaned backwards swiftly to avoid the strike. Before he could recover himself, Catalin slammed her elbow into his stomach and turned to race towards the front door. All of a sudden, two arms wrapped around her body, pinning her arms to her side. Catalin struggled but could not get out of the steely grip.

"Please don't leave so soon. Was our hospitality not to your liking?" Ryker leaned down smugly and spoke in Catalin's ear.

"If you have to force your guests to stay, that should be your answer," Catalin grunted.

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