Chapter 5: Interrogation

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Hey guys! Thanks for the likes and comments. I'm really excited about where this story is heading. Let me know what you think!

The white room whirled around and floated in the air. Blade groaned as the burning pain receded and left him dizzy and disoriented.

"That's enough for now. He is too weak to continue treatments. Let us see if it has taken effect."

The reptilian doctors unfastened Blade's restraints and dragged his limp body off the table. Collapsing into a heap on the floor, Blade tried to control the trembling in his muscles. Two of the reptilians seized his upper arms and pulled him to a chair. As he sank onto the rough wooden seat, Blade dropped his head and closed his eyes. He was so tired. If only they would let him sleep.

"What's your name?"

Opening his eyes, Blade looked up. Vortex was standing in front of him. His forked tongue flickered out of his mouth as he repeated the question.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Blade Levené."

Vortex sighed and stroked his forehead with his curved black fingernail. His black wings drooped behind his back.

"Where are you from?" he continued questioning Blade.

"New York City. I moved there from my home in Nebraska."

"What were you doing in New York City?"

Blade hesitated for a moment. A brief memory passed through his mind, but then it was gone before he could grasp it. Vortex scrutinized him with his brilliant blue eyes until Blade answered.

"I was with a theater developing a new musical to take to the Papermill Playhouse. I just graduated college, and that was my first job offer," Blade replied.

Raising his hand, Vortex summoned one of the doctors over. The reptilian approached with a sheaf of papers on a clipboard.

"There appears to be no progress. What do you suggest?"

The doctor flipped through several of the pages before speaking. "There is nothing more we can do without harming his mind. If we push more treatments now, the damage will undoubtedly be irreversible."

"What would you suggest then?"

The doctor shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing for the present. We'll just have to watch and see if there's any change."

Vortex nodded, and the doctor bowed his head and left the room. Placing a scaly hand on Blade's shoulder, the reptilian motioned to the green and brown guards.

"Lock him in the green room," Vortex ordered. "Make sure he doesn't escape again, but treat him gently."

"As you command, so shall it be," the guards replied in unison while touching their fists to their shoulders.

Lifting Blade up by the arms, they hauled him up the stairs and out of the basement. When he was propelled through the living room, Blade noticed a figure on one of the couches. A small girl with short, dark hair was lying unconscious on the plump cushions. Her wrists were fastened behind her back, and a strip of silver duct tape had been placed over her mouth. Blade tried to catch a closer look, but the guards pushed him past the girl and into a side room. As the door slammed behind him, Blade heard the lock click. He was a prisoner.

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