Chapter 2: New Beginnings

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Hey everyone! Thanks for reading on. Please let me know what you think. Sorry that this section isn't on Blade, but we will be getting back to the action soon! Keep reading!

"We made it! We're here! I survived! I'm alive!"

Dramatically, Syrenthia flung herself out of the vehicle and danced around in a circle. Her friend stepped out of the driver's side much more calmly.

"Good grief, Syrenthia. It wasn't that bad of a drive."

"Okay, Miss Catalin who has always has plenty of leg room anywhere because she's the size of a child," Syrenthia retorted.

Rolling her eyes, Catalin popped the trunk of her car and began unloading suitcases and tubs full of clothes. She piled a stack of boxes stuffed with notebooks in Syrenthia's arms.

"All right, Long Legs. You can get rid of some of your excess energy by taking these up while I keep watch on our luggage."

"To our new penthouse apartment! Yay!" Syrenthia squealed, her hazel eyes sparkling.

With another excited bounce, she began walking towards the elevator in the parking garage. Her long, brown hair bounced up and down as she skipped a few steps. Catalin smiled as she looked at her friend.

"She is never going to pass as a native New Yorker. Especially in Manhattan," she murmured under her breath.

Turning back to her vehicle, Catalin began pulling out more boxes and stacking them on the ground. Once she had emptied her car's trunk, she straightened up and looked around the parking garage. The concrete complex had a few people walking through, but there was one man who was standing still staring at Catalin. His sea green eyes were focused on the small Asian girl. Brushing her short black hair behind her ears, Catalin looked back at the man. As he began walking towards her, Catalin shifted her car key between her fingers and reached for the mace in her pocket.

"Okay, load me up again."

Catalin whirled around at Syrenthia's voice.

"Whoa, calm down!" Syrenthia held up her hands. "It's just me, Cat. Remember? Your roommate?"

"Sorry." Catalin glanced over her shoulder. "I'm a little on edge. Guy over there is giving me the creeps."

Syrenthia looked over where Catalin indicated. The tall, well-built man drew nearer and waved his hand as the slender girl made eye contact with him.

"Miss Larkin, you made it." The man's Irish accent lilted through the parking garage.

"Yes, I didn't expect to see you so soon. Oh, this is my friend who I told you about." Syrenthia gestured to her friend. "Catalin, this is Eamon Walsh. He's my agent."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Walsh." Catalin shook the agent's hand.

"The pleasure is all mine. Please call me Eamon." The young man turned back to Syrenthia. "I just wanted to make sure your move went smoothly."

"You didn't have to do that."

"I know." Eamon shrugged slightly and smiled. "But it's a long way from Texas to New York City, so I thought I'd come see if you needed any help. I hope that's all right."

"Of course, thank you."

"Here, allow me to take these things for you."

Eamon picked up a stack of boxes and began walking towards the elevator. Syrenthia followed him with some more cases while Catalin locked up her car and took the last of the luggage. When they reached the top floor, Syrenthia unlocked the handle and pushed the door open. Setting down the boxes, Eamon looked around the living room.

"I see you went with the brown leather couch instead of the red cushioned one," he commented.

Catalin raised an eyebrow at Syrenthia behind Eamon's back. The brunette shook her head quickly before he looked back.

"Well, I'm going to leave you two ladies to settle in. Welcome to New York."

"Thank you for your help." Syrenthia walked Eamon to the door. "I'll see you for our meeting on Wednesday."

"I look forward to it. I'm happy that you won't have to take those long plane rides every two weeks. We'll be able to see each other more frequently now." Eamon glanced over at Catalin. "It was very nice to meet you."

"You too."

Syrenthia closed and locked the door behind Eamon. Spinning around, she ran over to Catalin and wrapped her arms around her friend's tiny frame.

"We did it! We're in New York City!" Syrenthia lifted Catalin into the air.

"Put me down, you hooligan!" Catalin yelled.

"Make me!"

Poking her fingers into Syrenthia's ribs, Catalin began tickling her friend mercilessly. The two chased each other over the apartment before collapsing breathlessly on the couch. Syrenthia tossed her arms up in the air.

"I cannot believe that we are here." Syrenthia rolled over and gazed into Catalin's dark slanted eyes. "You are starting filming for a major television show next week and rehearsing a Broadway play at the same time."

"While you are working on the sequel to your incredibly popular book series and creating major art pieces for several galleries," Catalin interrupted. "Not to mention flirting with a super handsome guy with awesome wavy hair and an Irish accent who owns an agency. How old is he anyway? I mean he looks like he's about our age, but he owns a business. Also, how did he know about the couch?"

"Wow, so many questions." Syrenthia laughed. "Okay, well first of all, we are just friends. Eamon is from Ireland, but he's lived in the states since he was fourteen. His uncle used him as a high school intern at the agency, and after he graduated college, he took over. He's been running it for two years now."

"And he was the one who picked you out and got your first book published?"

"Yeah. And he helped me pick out our couch when I was here three weeks ago. We were at a lunch meeting reading over my new pages and I mentioned that I was going furniture shopping afterwards, so he asked if he could come along."

"Uh huh, I bet he did."

Picking up a decorative pillow, Syrenthia swung it at Catalin who dodged the blow by rolling off the couch. She hopped up and ran to the kitchen.

"Come on. Let's order some New York pizza or Chinese or something. I'm starving. It'll be our first meal in our new home."

While the girls waited for the food to arrive, Syrenthia poured two glasses of cream soda. She handed one to Catalin and held hers up. The two girls touched their glasses together and said their favorite toast in tandem.

"To the start of a new adventure!"


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