Chapter 9: Rash Actions

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Syrenthia slammed her hand on the counter. The rest of the people in the lobby turned to look at her, but the girl didn't care. Her only focus was getting someone to help her.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but until your friend has been missing for 24 hours we cannot report this as an official kidnapping," the police officer at the desk repeated.

"But I'm sure that's what has happened to her," Syrenthia protested. "And the longer we wait, the harder it will be to find her."

"Ma'am, if you actually saw the kidnapping or received a phone call from the kidnappers, we could do something."

"As I already told you, I was out on an errand when she went missing," Syrenthia started to speak, but the officer interrupted.

"Then, how do you know that she was kidnapped? Maybe she just stepped out to take care of something or had an emergency to take care of or was called into work."

"I know she was kidnapped because I was attacked!"

"Who attacked you, ma'am?"

"He was...I mean..." Syrenthia faltered and trailed off.

She knew that she couldn't tell the police what had happened. No one would believe that her writing agent had turned into a strange creature with scales and a tail. She hardly believed it herself. If she told the police, she would probably be put in an insane asylum, leaving no one to rescue Catalin.

"Look, I'm telling you the truth. My friend was kidnapped, but if you won't believe me, then I'll just go find her myself," Syrenthia said.

"Ma'am, I would advise against taking any rash actions..."

Throwing open the door, Syrenthia walked out on the rest of the officer's speech into the bright daylight. As she moved down the street, her mind raced frantically. She had to think of a way to find Catalin. Syrenthia slowed down and sat on a bench.

"Okay, think. Think. There has to be a clue somewhere," she muttered to herself. "Eamon must have taken Catalin to a place and then come back to kidnap me which means that she can't be far. Unless he had help."

Syrenthia sighed. There was one option. Her only lead was Eamon. She had to track him down and force him to tell her where he had taken Catalin. Standing up, Syrenthia signaled a cab and gave the address for Eamon's office. While the taxi sped over the blocks, she tried to formulate a plan. She had put her mace and Taser into her backpack with a few other supplies. As the car ground to a halt outside of a tall office building, Syrenthia took a deep breath. She had beaten Eamon before, and she was going to do it again. Opening the front door, Syrenthia walked over to the receptionist.

"Hello Kathy, how are you doing?"

"Miss Larkin, nice to see you," Kathy replied looking up. "We were not expecting you today."

"I'm here to see Eamon Walsh. I know that I don't have an appointment, but it's urgent."

Syrenthia glanced around furtively while Kathy clicked a few keys on her computer. After a moment, the receptionist looked back up.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Larkin. It appears as though Mr. Walsh isn't in today. He's actually been absent for several days now."

"Do you know where he is?"

Kathy sent Syrenthia a slightly reproving stare. "I don't make it a habit to question the CEO's decisions especially when it comes to personal matters. If you would like though, I will send him an email saying that you dropped by."

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