Chapter 8: Now or Never

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"Come on," Blade gasped in frustration.

The small staple that he had managed to yank out of the carpet snapped off in the door's keyhole. Blade threw it down in disgust and laid back on the floor. He had to think of a way to get out of this room.

"Let her go! Leave her alone!"

Sitting up, Blade pressed his ear against the door. He could hear shouting and yelling coming from outside his room. It sounded like a man with an Irish accent screaming at someone else. Suddenly, his yells seemed to break off as though he had been struck in the stomach. A few moments later, Blade heard a thudding sound in the distance as though a body had been thrown against a wall.

"Stop it! Eamon!"

A girl's voice was calling out now. Blade glanced around the room again searching for a way to escape. There were no windows and the vents were far too small. Leaping on the bed, Blade gazed upwards. The grey panels on the ceiling seemed to be loose. Blade reached up and pushed one of the panels up and to the side. Quickly, he jumped on the bed and grabbed the edge of the opening. Hoisting himself into the empty space, Blade began crawling towards the direction of the hallway.

The voices grew louder as he continued moving. Once he was directly above the yelling, Blade quietly shifted one of the ceiling tiles a few inches. He could see several of the reptilian creatures dragging the girl he had seen earlier down the basement stairs. The rest of the reptilians were forcing a small group of people into a different room. When everyone had left the hall, Blade pulled the ceiling tile away and let himself down quietly. Dropping the last few inches to the ground, he began tiptoeing down the hall towards the front door.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and two reptilians entered talking to each other. Before they looked up, Blade dashed to the side. As their voices drew nearer, he looked around frantically for a place to hide. The only clear direction was down the wooden staircase towards the basement. Blade hesitated for a moment. He knew that the medical room was at the bottom, and he didn't want to return to it. The reptilians were getting ready to turn the corner.

Blade made a split-second decision and went down the stairs. The small girl that had been dragged away was being strapped down onto the silver table, and reptilian scientists in lab coats were pulling out IVs. Staying near the shadows by the wall, Blade managed to slip down the stairs and hide behind a tall filing cabinet. The girl was struggling, but the reptilians held her arms down and stabbed the IVs into her veins.

Ryker nodded to one of the scientists who pressed a button. A green liquid sped through the IVs. Immediately, the girl's body stiffened, and her muscles began shaking wildly. Glancing around the room, Blade tried to find another way out. The only escape seemed to be back up the stairs, but there was no way that he could leave without being seen. He would just have to wait until the reptilians had left. Blade peered out again. The girl had fallen limp and appeared to be unconscious. Ryker slapped her face, but her eyes remained closed.

"Leave her. We will continue later. Let us go check on the others and the one in the green room."

The rest of the reptilians followed Ryker up the stairs. Quietly, Blade slipped around to the other side of the filing cabinet as they passed him. Once they had reached the top of the steps and rounded the corner, Blade stood up and began walking to the stairs. Suddenly, a groan came from behind him. Turning around, Blade looked at the table. The girl had begun moving slightly. Her eyes were still closed, but her head was moving from side to side.

Blade started towards her, but then moved back to the stairs. He didn't have time to worry about this girl that he had never met. It was now or never for his escape. Blade placed his foot on the first step. He could hear the girl groaning in pain again, but he knew better than to go back for her. Even though she might know more information that could help him, it wasn't worth the risk. Taking a deep breath, Blade shook his head. He knew he was getting ready to make a decision he was going to regret.

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