One picture (one direction)

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"alright, class is now dism-"Mr.Johnson said but got interrupted by the bell.


the whole class ran out and out of the school.It was finally over, tweleve freakin years of school finally paid off.  Hi my name is Delilah Rosseta, i am now 19 years old, i also have a black belt that has a black belt over it that matches my red belt, thats right b*****s be afraid :).There is only two things that calms me down, whether its from a fight with mom to a heartbreak, and those two things are the forest and the piano, anyways back to present.I am on my home right now to sadly go to my house, why is it sad delilah you ask.Well today is my moms aniverssery with dad, now your probably thinking of a marriage aniverssary, well if you did then WRONG.Today is the day that makes me wanna trap myself in a room and never come out, by aniverssary i mean day my mom almost died and my fathers death.I hated my father, he started beating me when i was six, and at age twelve he started raping me.My dad forced my mom to marry him, we have tried to leave but he some what always found us.On this day my mom got fired because she was yelling at her boss, my dad wasnt so happy to hear those words.My dad beat my mom........alot.When my mom could barely stand my dad grabbed a gun and BAM shot her in the stomach, then he cowardly ran away..I immediatly kneeled down to my mom and hugged her lifeless body.As i hugged her i heard a door open and pull me away from her, i struggled to get out of there grip but they held on tight.Suddenly i saw my mom take a gasp, then i saw a man doctor put a needle in my arm and said my mother was gonna be alright.I smiled then i suddenly met with darkness.This happened 5 years ago.Back to present i walked in the house and the smell of liquor filled my nose.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU UGLY CUNT." my mom slurred, my mom is the sweetest nicest person ever ever ever except when liqour meets her mouth, which btw usually never happens.I ran up to my room as usual and got on my phone, i scrolled through my facebook with the usual inbox.     HAHA DELILAH IS PROBABLY THE UGLIEST CREATURE EVER.then i read the comments.TOTALLY, YET SHE IS STILL A LITTLE SLUT LOL.I cried reading that.When people found out my father raped me they thought i was such a little slut, then everyone started picking on me.No one liked me except my friend skyler whom actually really cares about me.When i get upset i usually cut, which is usually once or twice a  week.People say cutting is bad but it really isnt, it makes me feel in control and like i can finally do something.I got out my favorite knife and started cutting and cutting.One. then two. then three. this whole thing went up to my arm until i heard the door slam open revealling my little brother Austin

"NO!"he grabbed my knife and threw it.He sat there looking at my arms then hugged me tight, i cried and cried.After i calmed down a little but still sobing he whispered something in my ear

"dont do this."

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